Sun Fire X4150 Server
Installation Guide
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Part No. 820-1851-11
January 2008, Revision A
Overview 33
iv Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
vi Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
The Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide provides detailed information about how to
install the the Sun Fire X4150™ server hardware and software. This book is intended
for system Administration, network Administration, and service technicians who
have an understanding of server systems.
How This Book Is Organized
This guide contains the following chapters:
TABLE P-1 Installation Guide Chapters
How to set up the Sun Fire X4150 server hardware.
How to place the Sun Fire X4150 server into a rack using the rail assembly.
How to connect cables and power up the Sun Fire X4150 server for the first
How to configure the Solaris™ 10 Operating System (OS) that might be
preinstalled on your Sun Fire X4150 server.
How to configure the Windows Operating System (OS) that might be
preinstalled on your Sun Fire X4150 server.
Troubleshooting information and how to apply and remove AC power to the
Sun Fire X4150 Server. Support contacts are also included.
Typographic Conventions
The names of commands, files,
and directories; onscreen
computer output
Edit your.login file.
Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail.
What you type, when contrasted % su
with onscreen computer output
Book titles, new words or terms, Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide.
words to be emphasized.
Replace command-line variables
with real names or values.
These are called class options.
You must be a superuser to do this.
To delete a file, type rm filename.
1 The settings on your browser might differ from these settings.
Sun Online
The following table shows where to find Sun documents online:
Sun Function
You can navigate to the Sun Fire X4150
server document page and then
download PDF and view HTML
documents. Includes the LSI card
MegaRAID Storage Manager x64 Server
Utilities Reference Manual for MSM.
Obtain technical support, and
download patches.
Learn about Sun courses.
Obtain specific details regarding your
Submit your comments.
viii Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Sun Fire X4150 Server Documentation
To view the latest Sun Fire X4150 server documentation online, go to, and then navigate to Sun Fire X4150 server documentation.
Related Documentation
A Where To Find Documentation sheet lists available documents for the Sun Fire X4150
server and describes the Sun Fire X4150 server document set. The Where to Find
Documentation sheet is packed with your system and is also posted at the product's
documentation site.
Translated versions of some of these documents are available at the web site
described earlier in French, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, and
Japanese. English documentation is revised more frequently and might be more up-
to-date than the translated documentation.
Third-Party Web Sites
Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this
document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content,
advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites
or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage
or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content,
goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.
Safety and Compliance Information
Refer to the following documents for safety information regarding the Sun Fire
X4150 server:
Important Safety Information for Sun Hardware Systems, 816-7190: hard copy
document included in the ship kit.
Sun Fire X4150 Server Safety and Compliance Guide, 819-6600: available online by
navigating to the Sun Fire X4150 server document page from the following URL:
Sun Welcomes Your Comments
Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and
suggestions. You can submit your comments by going to:
Please include the title and part number of your document with your feedback. The
part number of this Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide is 820-1851-11.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Before You Begin
This chapter describes how to set up the Sun Fire X4150 server hardware. It includes
the following topics:
Tools and Equipment Needed
To install the system, you need the following tools:
#2 Phillips screwdriver
ESD mat and grounding strap
Pencil, stylus, or other pointed device, for pushing front panel buttons.
You also need a system console device, such as one of the following:
Sun workstation
ASCII terminal
Terminal server
Patch panel connected to a terminal server
Installation Process Flowchart
FIGURE 1-1 Sun Fire X4150 Server Installation Process
Service label on the top cover of the server.
Sun Fire X4150 Server Service Manual.
For information about how to install
additional components, refer to the Sun Fire
X4150 Server Service Manual or the
component documentation.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Opening the Box
Carefully open the shipping box.
packing contents:
FIGURE 1-3 Unpacking the Box
Package Contents Inventory
The following items should be packaged with the Sun Fire X4150 server:
Sun Fire X4150 server
Sun Fire X4150 server accessory kit, including the following documentation and
Welcome Letter
Sun Fire X4150 Server Installation Guide (this document)
Where to Find Sun Fire X4150 Server Documentation
Important Safety Information for Sun Hardware Systems
Additional license, safety, and registration documentation
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Sun Fire X4150 Server Tools and Drivers CD
(includes drivers and additional software)
DB9-RJ45 Adapter (for serial system management port)
Optional rackmount kit
Optional cable management kit
Power cables, keyboard, and mouse are packaged separately from the other items.
Standard server components are installed at the factory. However, ordered options
such as additional memory or PCI-e cards are shipped separately. If possible, install
optional components before installing the server in a rack.
ESD Precautions
Electronic equipment is susceptible to damage by static electricity. Use a grounded
antistatic wriststrap, footstrap, or equivalent safety equipment to prevent
electrostatic damage (ESD) when you install or service the server.
Caution – To protect electronic components from electrostatic damage, which can
permanently disable the system or require repair by Sun service technicians, place
components on an antistatic surface, such as an antistatic discharge mat, an antistatic bag,
or a disposable antistatic mat. Wear an antistatic grounding strap connected to a metal
surface on the chassis when you work on system components.
Chapter 1 Before You Begin
Sun Fire X4150 Server Description
This section shows the front and back of the Sun Fire X4150 server.
Front Panel Features
FIGURE 1-4 Front Panel - 8 drive configuration shown
Front Panel Legend
Locator LED/Locator button: white
Service Required LED: amber
Power/OK LED: green
Hard disk drive 5 (optional)
Hard disk drive 4 (optional)
Hard disk drive 6 (optional)
Hard disk drive 7 (optional)
DVD drive (optional)
USB 2.0 connector (2)
USB 2.0 connector (3)
Power button
Hard disk drive 1 (optional)
Hard disk drive 0 (optional)
Hard disk drive 3 (optional)
Hard disk drive 2 (optional)
Fault LEDs: amber
Top open
Power supply (PS) fail
Over temperature warning, fan fail
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Back Panel
FIGURE 1-5 Back Panel
Back Panel Legend
Label Item
Label Item
Power supply unit 0 connector
PCI-express slot (0)
Power supply unit 0 status indicator LEDs
PCI-express slot (1)
PCI-express slot (2)
• Power Supply OK: green
• Power Supply Fail: amber
• AC OK: green
Power supply unit 1 connector
Serial management/RJ-45 serial port
Power supply unit 1 status indicator LEDs:
• Power Supply OK: green
• Power Supply Fail: amber
• AC OK: green
Service processor (SP) network management
NET MGT port
System status LEDs:
Gbit Ethernet ports NET 0, 1, 2, 3 (Intel)
USB 2.0 ports (0, 1)
• Power: green
• Attention: amber
• Locate: white
HD15 video connector (analog VGA)
Chapter 1 Before You Begin
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Installing the Sun Fire X4150 Server
Into a Rack with Slide-Rails
This chapter describes how to place the Sun Fire X4150 server into a rack using the
rail assembly in the rackmount kit. Perform this procedure if the rail assembly is
This chapter includes the following topics:
Note – In this guide, the term rack means either an open rack or a closed cabinet.
Before You Install
Read the overview and see the service label on the top cover before you begin to
install the Sun Fire X4150 server.
Server Installation Process Overview
To install your server into a four-post rack using the slide-rail and cable
management arm options, perform the following tasks in the order shown:
Rail Assemblies
The server might include either tool-less or bolt-on rail assemblies in rackmount kits.
Instructions for both types are included in this chapter.
Service Label
Refer to the service label on the Sun Fire X4150 server top cover for instructions on
how to install your server into a four-post rack, using the slide-rail and cable
management arm options. The service label includes instructions for both tool-less
and bolt-on rail assemblies.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Checking Compatibility
Check that your rack is compatible with the slide-rail and cable management arm
(CMA) options. The optional slide-rails are compatible with a wide range of
equipment racks that meet the following standards:
Rack Compatibility
Four-post rack (mounting at both front and
rear). Two-post racks are not compatible.
Rack horizontal opening and
unit vertical pitch
Conforms to ANSI/EIA 310-D-1992 or IEC
60927 standards.
Distance between front and rear Minimum 610 mm and Maximum 915 mm (24
mounting planes inches to 36 inches).
Clearance depth in front of front Distance to front cabinet door is at least 25.4
mounting plane
mm (1 inch).
Clearance depth behind front
mounting plane
Distance to rear cabinet door is at least 800
mm (31.5 inches) with the cable management
arm, or 700 mm (27.5 inches), without the
cable management arm.
Clearance width between front
and rear mounting planes
Distance between structural supports and
cable troughs is at least 456 mm (18 inches).
Server Dimensions
Length: (not including PSU handle): 28.0 inches
(711.2 mm)
Width: (not including ears): 16.75 inches (425.5
Height: 1U
Caution – Always load equipment into a rack from the bottom up so that it will not
become top-heavy and tip over. Deploy your rack’s anti-tip bar to prevent the rack
from tipping during equipment installation.
Caution – Ensure that the temperature in the rack does not exceed the server’s
maximum ambient rated temperatures. Consider the total airflow requirements of all
equipment installed in the rack to ensure that the equipment is operated within its
specified temperature range.
Chapter 2 Installing the Sun Fire X4150 Server Into a Rack with Slide-Rails
Disassembling Slide-Rails
Do one of the following procedures before installation:
Disassembling Bolt-On Slide-Rails
To remove the mounting-brackets from the bolt-on slide-rail assemblies:
1. Unpack the slide-rails.
2. Locate the slide-rail lock at the front of one of the slide-rail assemblies, as shown
3. Squeeze and hold the tabs at the top and bottom of the lock while you pull the
mounting-bracket out of the slide-rail assembly until it reaches the stop. (See
4. Push the mounting-bracket release button toward the front of the mounting-
bracket from the slide-rail assembly.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
5. Repeat for the remaining slide-rail assembly.
FIGURE 2-1 Disassembling the Bolt-on Slide-rail Before Installation
release button
Slide-rail lock
Disassembling Tool-less Slide-Rails
To remove the mounting-brackets from the tool-less slide-rail assemblies, refer to the
install card instructions included with the kit.
Chapter 2 Installing the Sun Fire X4150 Server Into a Rack with Slide-Rails
Installing the Mounting-Brackets Onto
the Server
To install the mounting-brackets onto the sides of the server:
1. Position a mounting-bracket against the chassis so that the slide-rail lock is at the
server front, and the three keyed openings on the mounting-bracket are aligned
with the three locating pins on the side of the chassis.
FIGURE 2-2 Aligning the Mounting-bracket With the Server Chassis
bracket clip
Chassis front
Slide-rail lock
2. With the heads of the four chassis locating pins protruding though the four keyed
openings in the mounting-bracket, pull the mounting-bracket toward the front of
the chassis until the mounting-bracket clip locks into place with an audible click.
3. Verify that the rear locating pin has engaged the mounting-bracket clip. (See
4. Repeat to install the remaining mounting-bracket on the other side of the server.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Attaching the Slide-Rail Assemblies to
the Rack
Do one of the following procedures to attach the slide-rail assemblies to the rack:
Attaching Bolt-On Slide-Rail Assemblies
To attach bolt-on slide-rail assemblies to the rack:
1. Position a slide-rail assembly in your rack so that the brackets at each end of the
slide-rail assembly are on the outside of the front and rear rack posts. (See
2. Attach the slide-rail assembly to the rack posts, but do not tighten the screws
Choose one of the following methods to attach the slide-rails. The method you use
varies, depending on the type of rack:
If your rack has threaded mounting holes in the rack posts, first determine
whether the threads are metric or standard, then insert the correct mounting
screws through the slide-rail brackets and into the threaded holes.
Chapter 2 Installing the Sun Fire X4150 Server Into a Rack with Slide-Rails
If your rack does not have threaded mounting holes, insert the mounting screws
through both the slide-rail brackets and rack posts, then secure them with the
caged nuts.
FIGURE 2-3 Slide-Rail Assembly Mounting to Rack Post
Rack post
Slide-rail assembly
bracket on outside
of rack post
4. From the front of the rack, set the proper width of the rails with the spacer. (See
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
FIGURE 2-5 Extending the Anti-tip Foot
Caution – If your rack does not have an anti-tip foot, the rack could tip over.
Attaching Tool-less Slide-Rail Assemblies
To attach tool-less slide-rail assemblies to the rack, refer to the install card
instructions included with the kit.
Installing the Server Into the Slide-Rail
Use this procedure to install the server chassis, with mounting-brackets, into the
slide-rail assemblies that are mounted to the rack.
Caution – This procedure requires a minimum of two
people because of the weight of the server. Attempting this
procedure alone could result in equipment damage or
personal injury.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Caution – Always load equipment into a rack from the bottom up so that it will not
become top-heavy and tip over. Extend your rack’s anti-tip foot to prevent the rack
from tipping during equipment installation.
1. Push the slide-rails into the slide-rail assemblies in the rack as far as possible.
2. Raise the server so that the rear ends of the mounting-brackets are aligned with
Chapter 2 Installing the Sun Fire X4150 Server Into a Rack with Slide-Rails
3. Insert the mounting-brackets into the slide-rails, then push the server into the
rack until the mounting-brackets encounter the slide-rail stops (approximately 12
inches, or 30 cm).
FIGURE 2-6 Inserting the Server With Mounting-Brackets Into the Slide-Rails
inserted into
release button
mounted on
rack post
4. Simultaneously push and hold the slide-rail release buttons on each mounting-
pushing until the slide-rail locks on the front of the mounting-brackets engage
the slide-rail assemblies.
You will hear an audible click.
Caution – Verify that the server is securely mounted in the rack and that the slide-
rails locks are engaged with the mounting-brackets before continuing.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Installing the Cable Management Arm
Use this procedure to install an optional cable management arm (CMA). FIGURE 2-7
shows the CMA.
FIGURE 2-7 Cable Management Arm (CMA)
CMA rail
1. Unpack the cable management arm parts.
2. Take the CMA to the back of the equipment rack and ensure that you have
adequate room to work around the back of the server.
Note – References to “left” or “right” in this procedure assume that you are facing
the back of the equipment rack.
3. Remove tape to separate parts.
The CMA rail extension might be taped to the CMA arm.
4. Attach the CMA rail extension into the left slide-rail until the extension locks into
FIGURE 2-8 Inserting the CMA Rail Extension Into the Back of the Left Slide-Rail
Chapter 2 Installing the Sun Fire X4150 Server Into a Rack with Slide-Rails
Left slide-rail
CMA rail
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
FIGURE 2-9 Detail of CMA Rail Extension Inserted Into the Left Slide-Rail
Left slide-rail
CMA rail
Note – Support the CMA in the remaining installation steps. Do not allow the arm
to hang by its own weight until it is secured by all three attachment points.
Chapter 2 Installing the Sun Fire X4150 Server Into a Rack with Slide-Rails
7. Insert the right CMA slide-rail connector into the right slide-rail assembly until
FIGURE 2-11 Inserting CMA Slide-Rail Connector Into the Back of the Right Slide-Rail
Right slide-
rail assembly
CMA slide-rail
Chapter 2 Installing the Sun Fire X4150 Server Into a Rack with Slide-Rails
8. Insert the left CMA slide-rail connector into the rail extension on the left slide-rail
assembly until the connector locks into place with an audible click. (See
FIGURE 2-12 Connecting the CMA Arm to the Rail Extension Connector
CMA arm connector
CMA extension
(on left slide-rail)
9. Install and route cables to your server, as required.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
10. Attach the hook and loop straps to the CMA, and press them into place to secure
For best results, place three hangers, evenly spaced, on the rear-facing side of the
CMA and three on the side facing the server.
FIGURE 2-13 Installing CMA Cable Straps
CMA arm
CMA cable hanger
11. Attach the right outer latch.
12. Attach the support latch to the left CMA extension.
Chapter 2 Installing the Sun Fire X4150 Server Into a Rack with Slide-Rails
Verifying Operation of the Slide-rails
and CMA
Use this procedure to ensure that the slide-rails and CMA are operating correctly.
Note – Two people are recommended for this procedure: one to move the server in
and out of the rack, and one to observe the cables and CMA.
1. Slowly pull the server out of the rack until the slide-rails reach their stops.
2. Inspect the attached cables for any binding or kinks.
3. Verify that the CMA extends fully from the slide-rails.
4. Push the server back into the rack, as described in the following sub-steps.
When the server is fully extended, you must release two sets of slide-rail stops to
return the server to the rack:
a. The first set of stops are levers, located on the inside of each slide-rail, just
behind the back panel of the server. These levers are labeled “PUSH.” Push in
both levers simultaneously and slide the server toward the rack.
The server will slide in approximately 18 inches (46 cm) and stop.
Verify that the cables and the CMA retract without binding before you continue.
b. The second set of stops are the slide-rail release buttons, located near the front
the slide-rail release buttons, and push the server completely into the rack until
both slide-rail locks engage.
5. Adjust the cable straps and CMA as required.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Setting Up the Sun Fire X4150 Server
This chapter describes how to connect cables and power up the Sun Fire X4150
server for the first time. It includes the following topics:
Embedded LOM Service Processor
Software Overview
The Sun Fire X4150 Server Embedded Lights Out Manager (ELOM) service processor
(SP) consists of the following components:
Embedded LOM Service Processor Components
ELOM includes the following hardware components:
Embedded LOM
• An embedded service processor (SP) chipset. The service processor monitors
the status and configuration of field-replaceable components inside your
server, such as fans, disk drives, and power supplies.
• Two back panel external connections: NET MGT PORT Ethernet Connection,
and serial management port/RJ-45 serial port.
Several system management firmware applications are preinstalled on the SP
chipset. These operating system-independent firmware applications provide
the following system management interfaces into your server:
Embedded LOM
• Web-based graphical interface
• Secure Shell (SSH) command-line interface
• IPMI v2.0 command-line interface (CLI)
• Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) v3 interface
These interfaces call the same underlying system management functions on
your SP. You can work with one or more of these interfaces to integrate with
other management interfaces running in your data center.
The Remote Console application allows remote clients to view the graphical
console of your host server as though they were directly attached to its video
connector. The Remote Console mirrors the video display from the server VGA
device (up to 1280 x 1024 resolution) locally on the remote management system.
The remote keyboard, mouse, CD drive, or diskette drive appear as standard
USB devices.
Remote Console
The Remote Console depends on the following requirements to run correctly.
Client systems require a web browser (at least IE6, Mozilla, or Firefox) with Sun
Java™ runtime environment (at least version 1.6 plug-ins) correctly installed.
You must install a Secure Shell communications application on the remote
client system (server, workstation, or laptop) to access the Embedded LOM
through a remote Secure Shell (SSH).
Secure Shell
Many Secure Shell communications applications are available from commercial
information about open-source client-side SSH applications.
You can set the serial redirection to display system output or Embedded LOM
output. A console can also be started to display system output. By default, the
Embedded LOM output appears. The BIOS contains these serial redirection
options. See the Sun Fire X4150 Server Product Notes and the Embedded Lights
Out Manager (ELOM) Administration Guide for more information.
Serial Redirection
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Note – The factory has configured the service processor hardware and firmware on
your server with the most common settings used in the field. You may not need to
change these defaults.
See the Embedded Lights Out Manager (ELOM) Administration Guide for detailed
Connecting the Cables
Connect the power and data cables from the server back panel to your system.
Connector Locations
FIGURE 3-1 Back Panel Connectors
Back Panel Connector Legend
Label Item
Label Item
Power supply unit 0 connector
Service processor (SP) network management NET
MGT Ethernet port
Power supply unit 1 connector
System status LEDs
Gbit Ethernet ports LAN-0, 1, 2, 3 (Intel)
USB 2.0 ports (0, 1)
Serial management/RJ-45 serial port
HD15 video connector
Chapter 3 Setting Up the Sun Fire X4150 Server
Cabling the Server
Connect the server power cables, and external cables in the following order:
1. Connect two grounded server power cords to grounded electrical outlets (1, 2).
Note – Connect only one cable if your server does not have a redundant power
2. Connect the two server power cords to the AC power connectors on the back panel
of the server.
In standby power mode, the Power/OK LED on the front panel flashes, indicating
initial configuration, standby power is supplied only to the SP and power supply fans.
FIGURE 3-2 Front Panel Power/OK LED
Note – Do not push the Power button at this time. Do not apply main power to the rest
of the server until you are ready to install a platform operating system.
3. Connect a serial null modem cable to the RJ-45 serial port (4).
page 33 for more information about viewing system output from a serial console.
4. Connect Ethernet cables to the Embedded LOM SP network management Ethernet
port (5).
5. Connect Ethernet cables to the RJ-45 LAN Gigabit Ethernet (LAN) connectors as
needed (6) for OS support.
6. Connect any additional external devices, as required, to the server’s USB (7)
and/or Video (8) connectors (optional).
7. Go to the next section and connect to the Embedded LOM SP.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Caution – Do not operate the server without all fans, component heatsinks, air baffles,
and the cover installed. Severe damage to server components can occur if the server
is operated without adequate cooling mechanisms.
Connecting to the Embedded LOM
Service Processor for the First Time
This section describes how to connect to the Embedded LOM service processor (SP)
for initial setup and configuration. It also includes an overview on SP interfaces and
The following process allows a user to connect to the Embedded LOM service
processor for initial setup and configuration.
Use this procedure to establish a serial connection to the Embedded LOM service
processor and configure the Embedded LOM service processor IP address for the
first time.
About Service Processor Interfaces
After you configure the IP address to comply with your network IP scheme, you can
access the Embedded LOM service processor (SP) Web browser interface using a Sun
Microsystems supported Internet Web browser. You can also connect to the
Embedded LOM service processor through secure shell (SSH).
Choose from one of several Embedded LOM SP interfaces to support system
management on your server. After you have determined the IP address of the SP,
you can access SP firmware applications through the following Embedded LOM SP
Serial Port CLI
Secure (command) shell (SSH) CLI
Ethernet-based Web browser
Chapter 3 Setting Up the Sun Fire X4150 Server
About Embedded LOM IP Addresses
The Embedded LOM service processor (SP) is assigned a DHCP IP address by
default. There are two requirements for DHCP IP address assignment to occur:
Connection to your network must be through a NET MGT PORT.
DHCP services must be present on your network infrastructure.
If a DHCP server cannot be reached after 3 DHCP requests, the Embedded LOM SP
is assigned a static IP address based on the network management port MAC
address. This IP address is always in the format
Determining the Embedded LOM
Service Processor IP Address
There are two methods to determine the IP address of the Embedded LOM service
processor (SP). Choose one of the following methods:
Access the BIOS and determine the assigned IP address.
Connect to the Embedded LOM service processor through the serial connection
(system management port)
Method 1: Access the BIOS
To access the BIOS and view the service processor (SP) IP address:
1. Power on the server (or restart the server if it is running).
2. When the Sun Microsystems splash screen appears during the POST (Power On
Self Test) operation, press F2 to access the BIOS settings.
3. Navigate to the Server tab, using the left and right keyboard arrows.
4. Access the Server tab and AST2000 CONFIGURATION. Press Enter.
5. Access the IP ADDRESS tab.
6. View the SP IP address.
Tip – If the IP address is in the form of, the DHCP server might not
have assigned an address and the SP might use a static address.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Method 2: Connect to the Service Processor Using
a Serial Connection
To establish a connection to the service processor (SP) using a serial connection
(system management port), perform the following steps:
1. Connect a terminal (or PC running terminal emulation software) to the server
serial port.
2. Ensure that the server hardware is installed and cables are inserted.
Ensure that the power is in standby mode and the green LED blinks. See
3. Verify that your terminal, laptop, PC, or terminal server is operational.
4. Configure the terminal device or the terminal emulation software running on a
laptop or PC to the following settings:
8N1: eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit
9600 baud
Disable hardware flow control (CTS/RTS)
Disable software flow control (XON/XOFF)
5. Connect a null serial modem cable from the RJ45 serial port on the server back
panel to a terminal device (if not connected already).
6. Press Enter on the terminal device to establish a connection between the terminal
device and the Embedded LOM service processor (SP).
Note – If you connect to the serial port on the Embedded LOM before it has been
powered on or during its power-on sequence, SP boot messages may be displayed.
The Embedded LOM displays a login prompt, after a short wait.
7. Type the default user name root, and then type the default password changeme
to log in to the Embedded LOM SP.
The Embedded LOM displays a default command prompt, indicating that you have
successfully logged in:
- >
Chapter 3 Setting Up the Sun Fire X4150 Server
8. Type the command show /SP/network to display the current SP IP address.
The IP information appears, as shown in the following sample:
MACaddress = 00:1B:24:1D:E6:26
IPAddress =
Netmask =
Gateway =
IPSource = dhcp
Hostname = SUNSP001B241DE626
9. Be sure to record the IP address assigned to the Embedded LOM.
Modifying the Service Processor IP
The following examples show how to change the current IP address of the
Embedded LOM service processor (SP).
Choose one of the following methods.
Using the serial connection (system management port)
Using the SP Embedded LOM Web browser interface
Method 1: Using the Serial Connection
Example 1
To change the SP DHCP IP address to a static IP address using the serial connection
(system management port):
1. Connect a terminal (or a PC running terminal emulation software) to the server
serial port.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
2. Ensure that the server hardware is installed and cables are inserted.
3. Verify that your terminal, laptop, PC, or terminal server is operational.
4. Configure the terminal device or the terminal emulation software running on a
laptop or PC to the following settings:
8N1: eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit
9600 baud
Disable hardware flow control (CTS/RTS)
Disable software flow control (XON/XOFF)
5. Connect a null serial modem cable from the server’s back panel RJ45 serial port to
a terminal device (if not connected already).
6. Press Enter on the terminal device to establish a connection between the terminal
device and the Embedded LOM service processor (SP). The following prompt
7. Type the default user name root, and then type the default password: changeme
to log in to the Embedded LOM SP.
The Embedded LOM displays a default command prompt, indicating that you have
successfully logged in:
8. Type the following command to determine the SP IP address:
show /SP/network
9. After the status has been determined, view the output of show /SP/network.
DHCP enabled is shown as IPSource = dhcp
10. To assign a static IP ADDRESS, type the following commands in exact order:
set /SP/network IPSource=static
set /SP/network
set /SP/network
set /SP/network
Where xxx = IP address numbers
Example 2
To change the service processor (SP) static IP address to a DHCP IP address using
the serial connection (system management port), perform the following steps:
Chapter 3 Setting Up the Sun Fire X4150 Server
1. Connect a terminal (or a PC running terminal emulation software) to the server
serial port.
2. Ensure that the server hardware is installed and cables are inserted.
3. Verify that your terminal, laptop, PC, or terminal server is operational.
4. Configure the terminal device or the terminal emulation software running on a
laptop or PC to the following settings:
8N1: eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit
9600 baud
Disable hardware flow control (CTS/RTS)
Disable software flow control (XON/XOFF)
5. Connect a null serial modem cable from the server’s back panel RJ45 serial port to
a terminal device (If not connected already).
6. Press Enter on the terminal device to establish a connection between the terminal
device and the Embedded LOM SP. The prompt appears.
7. Type the following command to change a static address to a DHCP address:
set /SP/network IPSource=dhcp
8. Type show /SP/network to view the newly assigned DHCP address.
▼ Method 2: Using the Service Processor (SP)
Embedded LOM Web Browser Interface
Note – The SP Web Browser Interface can be accessed only if you know the service
processor IP address. See “Determining the Embedded LOM Service Processor IP
To change a static IP address, using the service processor (SP) Embedded LOM Web
Browser Interface:
1. Open a Sun Microsystems supported Web browser, such as Internet Explorer,
Mozilla, or Firefox.
2. Type the IP address of the SP in the browser address bar.
For example:
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
3. Accept the certificate when prompted.
4. Enter your username (root) and password (changme).
5. Select the Configuration tab and then the Network tab.
6. Set configurations, such as IP configuration and DNS, as required.
7. Do one of the following:
If DHCP is required, select the Enable DHCP check box.
If STATIC is required, clear the Enable DHCP check box, and manually set all
IP information.
8. If you manually change the IP address, you must manually change the subnet
mask, because the subnet mask changes according to the IP address class.
9. Note your settings.
10. Log out.
11. If the IP address changes, you must reconnect using the newly assigned IP
address, because the current session will become unresponsive.
See the Embedded Lights Out Manager (ELOM) Administration Guide for detailed
Applying Power for the First Time
To turn on the server for the first time:
1. Verify that the power cord has been connected and that standby power is on.
In standby power mode, the Power/OK LED on the front panel flashes. See
2. Verify that you are connected to the server through the serial management port,
perform the following sub-steps:
a. Connect a terminal (or a PC running terminal emulation software) to the server
serial port.
b. Ensure that the server hardware is installed and cables are inserted.
c. Verify that your terminal, laptop, PC, or terminal server is operational.
d. Configure the terminal device or the terminal emulation software running on a
laptop or PC to the following settings:
Chapter 3 Setting Up the Sun Fire X4150 Server
8N1: eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit
9600 baud
Disable hardware flow control (CTS/RTS)
Disable software flow control (XON/XOFF)
e. Connect a null serial modem cable from the server’s back panel RJ45 serial port
to a terminal device (if not connected already).
f. Press Enter on the terminal device to establish a connection between the
terminal device and the Embedded LOM service processor (SP).
The following prompt appears. ->
3. Use a pencil, or other pointed object, to press and release the recessed Power
button on the server front panel.
When main power is applied to the server, the Power/OK LED next to the Power
button lights and remains lit.
4. To display a screen for installing the preinstalled Solaris OS from the system
management port, perform the following sub-steps:
a. Type cd /SP/AgentInfo
b. Type start Console
5. Install and configure the software, as required.
Note – To switch back to the Embedded LOM command-line interface from the
serial console, press Esc + Shift + 9, or press Esc ( , depending on your
keyboard location.
Installing the Intel PROSET Teaming
To install the Intel PROSET Teaming Utility.
1. Install the Ethernet drivers from the Tools & Drivers CD Version 1.1, using
your preferred method.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
a. Autorun - Insert the Tool & Drivers CD. From the Autorun menu, choose
Install/Update drivers and optional packages.
b. Manually - Access the Ethernet properties and update the driver manually
through Device Manager.
2. Once the Ethernet cards have been installed and IP addresses assigned, run the
Proset installer.
Locate the installer on the Tools & Drivers CD Version 1.1 in the following
location: drivers\windows\IntelNic\2003\PROSET\2003_xx where xx is
32 or 64 bit, use the PROSETDX.msi installer.
3. Follow the instructions on your screen and choose the Advanced Network
Features from the displayed list of options.
4. To access the PROSET Teaming options, access the Ethernet Card through
Device Manager and choose Properties.
5. The new tabs installed are: Teaming and VLAN.
Chapter 3 Setting Up the Sun Fire X4150 Server
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Configuring the Preinstalled
Solaris 10 Operating System
This chapter describes how to configure the Solaris™ 10 Operating System (OS) that
might be preinstalled on your Sun Fire X4150 server. Solaris 10 Update 3 is the
supported version.
This chapter assumes that your server has a hard drive installed, with the Solaris
operating system preinstalled. Your system might be different, depending on your
hard drive configuration.
This chapter includes the following topics:
Solaris Preinstall Overview
Read this section before you set up Solaris.
Delivery Methods
To deliver preinstalled Solaris, you can select a delivery option in the GRUB menu
that allows you to choose a delivery method:
Deliver Solaris preinstall through the serial management port (default method), or
Deliver the preinstalled Solaris 10 image using a directly connected monitor and
About the GRUB Menu
Solaris uses a GRUB boot loader with a GRUB menu. When you start the Solaris OS,
a GRUB-level menu appears. The GRUB menu allows you to select to direct output
to either the serial port or video port.
If you do not make a selection, the GRUB menu times out, and the system boots
using the default output (serial port).
If you take no action within 30 seconds at the boot menu, default redirection (serial
management port–ttyb) of the Solaris OS occurs. Serial redirection requires a
connection to the serial management port. See “Determining the Embedded LOM
Before You Begin
Before you configure the preinstalled Solaris OS, you must do the following:
1. Perform initial configuration of the service processor, and determine the server’s
2. Gather the information that you will need to configure the server. See
3. After these steps are complete, you can configure the preinstalled Solaris OS. See
Installation Worksheet
OS for the server. Collect only the information that applies to your system.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Installation Worksheet
Installation Information
Enter System Configuration:
Asterisk (*) indicates default.
Choose from the list of available languages for
the Solaris 10 software.
Choose your geographic region from the list of
available locales.
(C - 7-bit ASCII)*
Choose the type of terminal that you are using
from the list of available terminal types.
Network connection
Is the system connected to a network?
Can the system use Dynamic Host Configuration Yes
Protocol (DHCP) to configure its network
If you are not
using DHCP,
note the
If you are not using DHCP, supply the IP address
for the system.
If you are not using DHCP, is the system part of a *
If yes, what is the netmask of the subnet?
Do you want to enable IPv6 on this machine?
Host name
A host name that you choose for the system.
Do you want to configure Kerberos security on
this machine?
If yes, gather the following information:
Default Realm:
Administration Server:
First KDC:
(Optional) Additional KDCs:
Name service: if Name
the system uses service
a name service,
provide the
Which name service should this system use?
Provide the name of the domain in which the
system resides.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Preinstalled Solaris 10 Operating System
Installation Information
Enter System Configuration:
Asterisk (*) indicates default.
and NIS
Do you want to specify a name server or let the
installation program find one?
Specify One
Find One*
Provide IP addresses for the DNS server. You
must enter at least one IP address, but you can
enter up to three addresses.
IP addresses (1–3):
You can also enter a list of domains to search
when a DNS query is made.
Search Domains (1–3):
Provide the following information about your
LDAP profile:
Profile name:
Profile server:
If you specify a proxy credential level in your
LDAP profile, gather the following information:
Proxy-Bind Distinguished Name:
Proxy-Bind Password:
Default route
Do you want to specify a default route IP address Specify IP address
or let the Solaris installation program find one?
Detect IP address
The default route provides a bridge that forwards
traffic between two physical networks. An IP
address is a unique number that identifies each
host on a network.
Select one of the following routes:
• Specify IP address. An /etc/defaultrouter file is created with the
specified IP address. When the system is rebooted, the specified IP address
becomes the default route.
• Detect IP address. Let the Solaris installation program detect an IP address.
However, the system must be on a subnet that has a router that advertises
itself by using the ICMP router discovery protocol. If you are using the
command-line interface, the software detects an IP address when the system
is booted.
• None. Select None if you do not have a router or do not want the software to
detect an IP address at this time. The software automatically tries to detect an
IP address on reboot.
Time zone
How do you want to specify your default time
Geographic region*
Offset from GM
Time zone file
Root password
Choose a root password for the system.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Configuring Solaris OS
To configure the preinstalled Solaris OS:
1. Log in to the service processor as an administrator. For example:
Login: root
Password: changeme
2. To start the Embedded LOM console, perform the following sub-steps:
a. Type cd /SP/AgentInfo
b. Type start Console
3. Follow the Solaris 10 preinstallation onscreen instructions.
collected information.
The displayed screens can vary, depending on how you chose to assign network
information to the server (DHCP or static IP address).
5. After the system configuration information has been entered, the OS installation
continues. On completion, the system reboots and displays the Solaris OS login.
Redirect the Console Output to the Video Port
logged in to the service processor (SP) before you can redirect the console output to
the video port. This procedure is optional.
Note – The Solaris GRUB menu allows you to manually select graphics adapter
redirection during the boot process. If not chosen within 30 seconds after the GRUB
menu is displayed, the system defaults to serial redirection (ttyb).
1. Reboot the system.
2. To enable video output, choose Solaris Build - Graphics Adapter from the
GRUB menu Changing Default Console Output.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Preinstalled Solaris 10 Operating System
Using the GRUB Menu
The preinstalled Solaris 10 OS image directs console output to the serial port by
default. After the initial configuration of the preinstalled Solaris OS is complete, you
can modify the Solaris 10 GRUB menu to direct output to the video port by default.
Caution – This procedure is intended only for advanced users of the Solaris OS.
You can seriously disrupt server operation or make the server unbootable if you
introduce a problem in the menu.lst file.
To set the video port as the default output, do the following procedure:
1. Open the /boot/grub/menu.lst file in a text editor.
2. Modify the following line in the file to change the default so that the console
output goes to the video port:
default 1
3. Run the following command to add the Xserver startup scripts:
/usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -e
4. Reboot the server. After the system reboots, the console output goes to the video
port by default.
Configuring Sun Fire X4150 Server RAID
After you configure the Solaris OS, you might need to configure the RAID drives.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
RAID Drive Overview
The Sun Fire X4150 Server has two optional RAID HBA (HBA) cards. You can access
RAID configuration through the HBA card BIOS. To access the LSI card BIOS, press
CTRL-C. To access the Sun StorageTek card BIOS, press CTRL-A:
Sun Fire X4150 RAID HBA cards
RAID HBA cards
Sun StorageTek
LSI 3081E
Press for BIOS
The system will have the preinstalled OS on HD0. When the Solaris OS installation
has been completed, the option to upgrade your single-disk OS to a mirrored RAID
solution is available.
The configuration procedure is different for each supported controller card. For
example, a Sun StorageTek HBA card has many more options for RAID
configuration than an LSI HBA card. Configure the RAID depending on your needs
RAID Drive Options
TABLE 4-3 shows the RAID drive options:
SAS Card
RAID Drive Options
Drives Supported
RAID Configuration Supported
Volume – 1 disk
Drive Usage
Sun StorageTek Seagate 73GB SAS
Fujitsu 73GB SAS
RAID 0 – stripe – 2 disk minimum
No redundancy
Hitachi 146GB SAS RAID 1 – mirror – 2 disk minimum
RAID 1E – 3 drive minimum
RAID 10 – 4 drive minimum
RAID 5 – 3 drive minimum
RAID 5EE – 4 drive minimum
RAID 50 – 6 drive minimum
RAID 6 – 4 drive minimum
Chapter 4 Configuring the Preinstalled Solaris 10 Operating System
RAID 60 – 8 drive minimum
Spanned Volume – 2 drive minimum
RAID Volume – 4 drive minimum
LSI 3081E
Seagate 73GB SAS
Fujitsu 73GB SAS
IM – Integrated Mirror array. 2 disk
minimum, plus up to 2 hot spare disks.
Data on Primary disk
might be merged.
IME – Integrated Mirror Enhanced array. All data will be deleted
3 to 8 disks including up to 2 hot spares. during creation.
Hitachi 146GB SAS IS – Integrated Striping array. 2 to 8
All data will be deleted
during creation.
Mirroring the Preinstalled Solaris OS
The Solaris OS supports hardware RAID and cannot be installed on an existing array
if one has been created. Refer to the Sun Fire X4150 OS Installation Guide or an HBA
card product guide.
If you choose the preinstalled Solaris OS and want to make the OS part of a RAID
set, and if you are using LSI RAID only, perform the following procedure to update
(Integrated Mirror) allows data on the primary hard disk drive (HDD) to be
preserved or merged into an array of disks.
This example allows the creation of a mirror before or after the Solaris installation.
The server has 2 disks: HDD0 (with the OS) and HDD1 (which is blank).
To create a mirror image of the Solaris OS on HDD1:
1. Power on your server system for the first time.
2. Press CTRL-A to access the LSI RAID configuration Utility.
3. Select the SAS card - SAS1068E. Press Enter.
4. Choose RAID Properties.
5. Create an IM (Integrated Mirror) for the required disk configuration.
6. Select the hard disks to be used. Use the right arrow to move the cursor to the
RAID column, and press the Space bar to include into RAID.
7. Because HDD0 contains data, select merge or delete:
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Choose M to merge data and start a sync operation.
Choose D to erase the Solaris PreInstall.
8. Press C to create the RAID and start the sync operation.
9. Click Exit to save the configuration and close the menu.
10. Press Esc to exit the configuration utility and reboot.
Creating a RAID Set to Incorporate a Preinstalled
OS Using the Sun StorageTek Card
The Sun StorageTek card allows you to choose from many RAID configurations.
How you configure your system depends on your system requirements and the
available hard disk drives in the system. The following example shows how to
mirror the preinstalled Solaris OS. This is the better option, and all remaining disks
(should there be more than 2) are incorporated into a DATA RAID set using the
You will need the Sun Fire X4150 Tools & Drivers CD.
Follow these steps to mirror your configured Solaris OS:
1. Using your Solaris Server, log in and start Xserver.
This graphical user interface is required for StorageTek Software Management.
2. From the supplied Sun Fire X4150 Tools & Drivers CD, copy the StorMan.ds
application, located in the /drivers/sx86/StorageTek/MGMT directory, to a
new directory you choose on your Solaris server, for example, mkdir /StorMan.
3. Change the permissions of the new directory and StorMan application.
Chmod 777 StormMan.ds
4. Run the following command to install the application:
pkgadd -d StorMan.ds
5. Choose to install all components when prompted.
6. To run the application, type the following:
sh /usr/StorMan/
A split screen appears.
7. Click the screen to activate the Managed Systems List.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Preinstalled Solaris 10 Operating System
8. Double-click the local machine (it is displayed by IP Address of the Primary
ENET connection.
A prompt appears.
9. At the prompt, log in as root, using the OS password that was assigned during
10. Click the SUN STK RAID Controller.
All attached hard disk drives on Enclosure 0 and 1 appear.
Tip – HDD0 (OS) should be Enclosure 0 Logical Volume 1.
11. To mirror the OS, right-click Logical Device 1 and choose Expand or Change
Logical Device.
12. Choose the appropriate RAID option (in this example, RAID 1 for Mirror).
13. Choose a disk to mirror the OS with, from the physical disk list.
Select the hard disk drive that best fits your needs.
14. After you select the HDD, click Next , and then view the configuration summary.
15. Click Apply to start the mirroring process.
You can also click Schedule to perform the mirroring process at a later time.
16. One more confirmation screen will be displayed, and once confirmed, the OS will
begin to mirror.
Mirroring may take several hours, depending on the amount of data and the HDD
Solaris 10 Operating System User
This section provides pointers to information about the Solaris 10 operating system.
Accessing Solaris 10 User Documentation
You can access the various collections of the Solaris 10 OS user documentation at:
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Specifically, you can access the Solaris 10 OS Release and Installation collection at:
Downloading Solaris 10 OS Software
If you need to install the Solaris 10 11/06 OS or reinstall the OS after removing it,
you can download the CD or DVD image from the following URL:
Solaris 10 6/06 is the minimum supported version for the Sun Fire X4150 server.
See the Sun Fire X4150 Server Operating System Installation Guide for specific
instructions on Solaris 10 installation.
Solaris 10 OS Training
Sun provides flexible training options that accommodate your personal schedule
and learning style. The training options include instructor-led, web-based online,
CD-ROM, and Live Virtual Classes. For Solaris 10 Training and Certification options
at a glance, go to:
Chapter 4 Configuring the Preinstalled Solaris 10 Operating System
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Configuring the Preinstalled
Windows Server 2003 R2
Operating System
This chapter describes how to configure the Preinstalled Windows Server 2003 R2
Operating System (OS) that might be preinstalled on your Sun Fire X4150 Server.
This chapter assumes that your server has a hard drive installed, with the
Preinstalled Windows Server 2003 R2 operating system preinstalled. Your system
might be different, depending on your hard drive configuration and ordering
This chapter includes the following topics:
Windows Server 2003 R2 Preinstall
Read this section before you set up Windows Server 2003 R2.
Servers shipped with the factory-installed Windows Server 2003 R2 operating
system include a Getting Started Guide. Read this guide before performing the
initial setup of the Windows Server 2003 R2 operating system. For initial setup
procedure, also refer to the Sun x64 Servers Windows 2003 R2 Preinstall Product
Delivery Methods
By default, video output for the Windows preinstall is directed to the VGA monitor.
If no VGA monitor is attached, use a RKVM session to configure the OS.
How to start a RKVM Session
For more detailed information on starting a RKVM session (Remote Console
session), refer to the section "Starting the Remote Console Application" in the Embedded
Lights out Manager Guide for the Sun Fire X4150 and X4450 Servers.
Note – If a VGA monitor is attached, skip this section
1. Determine the Service Processor IP address.
Refer to the section Determining the Embedded LOM Service Processor IP Address.
2. Open a browser window.
3. Type the IP address of Service Processor into a browser window, and then
login to the WEBGUI.
4. Click on the Remote Control tab, and then select Redirection.
5. Click Launch.
The console displays.
Configuring the Windows Server 2003
To configure the preinstalled Windows Server 2003 R2 Operating System:
1. Boot the pre-installation image for the first time.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
2. The EMS Connection Detected dialog box appears. Click OK to continue using
this local connection.
An EMS (emergency management console) connection might be detected if Serial
Console Redirection is enabled in the BIOS, and an EMS Connection Detected
popup message might appear, as shown here.
Note – In Sun servers, Serial Console Redirection is enabled by default.
3. The Welcome to Windows Setup Wizard screen appears. Click Next.
4. The License Agreement screen appears.
5. Read the terms and conditions of the license agreement, and if you agree,
accept the terms and conditions. Click Next.
6. The Regional and Language Options screen appears.
7. Select your preferred region and language. Click Next.
8. The Personalize Your Software screen appears.
9. Type your name and organization. Click Next.
10. The Licensing Modes screen appears.
11. Select the desired licensing mode. Click Next.
12. The Computer Name and Administrator Password screen appears.
a. Enter an administrator password and confirm the password.
b. Keep or change the suggested Computer name.
c. Click Next.
13. The Date and Time Settings screen appears.
Chapter 5 Configuring the Preinstalled Windows Server 2003 R2 Operating System
14. Set the Date, Time, and Time Zone settings for your locale. Click Next.
The network software installs and configures the operating system.
15. The Network Settings page appears.
16. The Workgroup or Computer Domain page appears.
17. Configure the computer to be part of a Domain or Workgroup, and then
click Next.
The Performing Final Tasks page appears and the server restarts
automatically when completed.
Configuring Sun Fire X4150 Server RAID
After you configure the Windows Server 2003 R2 OS, you might need to configure
the RAID drives.
RAID Drive Overview
The Sun Fire X4150 Server has two optional RAID Host Bus Adapter (HBA) cards.
You can access RAID configuration through the HBA card BIOS. To access the LSI
card BIOS, press CTRL-C. To access the Sun StorageTek card BIOS, press CTRL-A:
Sun Fire X4150 Server RAID HBA cards
RAID HBA cards
Sun StorageTek
LSI 3081E
Press for BIOS
The system will have the preinstalled OS on HD0. When the Windows Server 2003
R2 OS installation has been completed, the option to upgrade your single-disk OS to
a mirrored RAID solution is available.
The configuration procedure is different for each supported controller card. For
example, a Sun StorageTek HBA card has many more options for RAID
configuration than an LSI HBA card. Configure the RAID depending on your needs
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Note – Configuring the Sun Fire X4150 Server RAID is optional, by default the
Windows Server 2003 R2 Pre-Install image is configured in a non-RAID
configuration. If anything other than a basic Mirror RAID is required, it is
recommended to perform a fresh install of the Windows Server 2003 R2 Operating
System (or other OS) in the desired RAID configuration.
RAID Drive Options
TABLE 5-2 shows the RAID drive options:
SAS Card
RAID Drive Options
Drives Supported
RAID Configuration Supported
Volume – 1 disk
Drive Usage
Sun StorageTek Seagate 73GB SAS
Fujitsu 73GB SAS
RAID 0 – stripe – 2 disk minimum
No redundancy
Seagate 146GB SAS RAID 1 – mirror – 2 disk minimum
RAID 1E – 3 drive minimum
RAID – 4 drive minimum
RAID 5 – 3 drive minimum
RAID 5EE – 4 drive minimum
RAID 50 – 6 drive minimum
RAID 6 – 4 drive minimum
RAID 60 – 8 drive minimum
Spanned Volume – 2 drive minimum
RAID Volume – 4 drive minimum
LSI 3081E
Seagate 73GB SAS
Fujitsu 73GB SAS
IM – Integrated Mirror array. 2 disk
minimum, plus up to 2 hot spare disks.
Data on Primary disk
might be merged.
IME – Integrated Mirror Enhanced array. 3 All data will be deleted
to 8 disks including up to 2 hot spares. during creation.
Seagate 146GB SAS IS – Integrated Striping array. 2 to 8 disks. All data will be deleted
during creation.
Chapter 5 Configuring the Preinstalled Windows Server 2003 R2 Operating System
Mirroring the Preinstalled Windows
Server 2003 R2 OS with LSI RAID
The Windows Server 2003 R2 OS supports hardware RAID and cannot be installed
on an existing array if one has been created. Refer to the Sun Fire X4150 Server OS
Installation Guide or an HBA card product guide.
If you choose the preinstalled Windows Server 2003 R2 OS and want to make the OS
part of a RAID set, and if you are using LSI RAID only, perform the following
procedure to update the preinstalled Windows Server 2003 R2 OS to a mirrored
primary hard disk drive (HDD) to be preserved or merged into an array of disks.
This example allows the creation of a mirror before or after the Windows Server 2003
R2 installation. The server has 2 disks: HDD0 (with the OS) and HDD1 (which is
To create a mirror image of the Windows Server 2003 R2 OS on HDD1:
1. Power on your server system for the first time.
2. Press CTRL-A to access the LSI RAID configuration utility.
3. Select the SAS card - SAS1068E. Press Enter.
4. Choose RAID Properties.
5. Create an IM (Integrated Mirror) for the required disk configuration.
6. Select the hard disks to be used. Use the right arrow to move the cursor to the
RAID column, and press the Space bar to include into RAID.
7. Because HDD0 contains data, select merge or delete:
Choose M to merge data and start a sync operation.
Choose D to erase the Windows Server 2003 R2 PreInstall.
8. Press C to create the RAID and start the sync operation.
9. Click Exit to save the configuration and close the menu.
10. Press Esc to exit the configuration utility and reboot.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Creating a RAID Set to Incorporate a Preinstalled
OS Using the Sun StorageTek Card
The Sun StorageTek card allows you to choose from many RAID configurations.
How you configure your system depends on your system requirements and the
available hard disk drives in the system. The following example shows how to
mirror the preinstalled Windows Server 2003 R2 OS. This is the better option, and
all remaining disks (should there be more than 2) are incorporated into a DATA
You will need the Sun Fire X4150 Server Tools & Drivers CD.
Follow these steps to mirror your configured Windows Server 2003 R2 OS:
1. Select Start and then Sun Link - Online Information.
2. Select Install Supplemental Software.
3. Check Sun StorageTEK Manager.
4. Click Next to install the Sun StorageTEK Manager program.
5. Select Start and then Sun StorageTEK Raid Manager.
6. Double-click the local machine that displays by the IP Address of the Primary
ENET connection. A prompt appears.
7. At the prompt, log in as root, using the OS password that was assigned during
8. Click the SUN STK RAID Controller.
All attached hard disk drives on Enclosure 0 and 1 appear.
9. To mirror the OS, right-click Logical Device 1 and then choose Expand or
Change Logical Device.
10. Choose the appropriate RAID option.
In this example, select RAID 1 for Mirror.
11. Choose a disk to mirror the OS with, from the physical disk list.
Select the hard disk drive that best fits your needs.
12. After you select the hard disk drive, click Next, and then view the
configuration summary.
13. Click Apply to start the mirroring process.
You can also click Schedule to perform the mirroring process at a later time.
Chapter 5 Configuring the Preinstalled Windows Server 2003 R2 Operating System
14. One more confirmation screen appears. Confirm the mirroring.
The OS begins to mirror. Mirroring may take several hours, depending on the
amount of data and the hard disk drive size.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
If You Need Help
This chapter describes troubleshooting information and how to apply and remove
AC power to the Sun Fire X4150 server. Support contacts are also included.
This chapter includes the following topics:
Powering On and Off the Server
Use the following procedures to power on and power off the Sun Fire X4150 server.
Power On the Main Power
To apply main power for all server components:
1. Verify that the power cord has been connected and that standby power is on.
In standby power mode, the Power/OK LED on the front panel flashes.
2. Use a stylus, pen, or other non-conducting pointed object, to press and release the
recessed Power button on the server front panel.
When the main power is applied to the server, the Power/OK LED next to the Power
FIGURE 6-1 Front Panel Power/OK LED
Note – The first time the server powers on, the power on self-test (POST) can take
up to a minute.
Power Off from Main Power Mode
To remove main power from the server, use one of the following two methods:
Graceful shutdown
Use a pen, or other pointed object, to press and release the Power
button on the front panel. This causes Advanced Configuration
and Power Interface (ACPI)–enabled operating systems to perform
an orderly shutdown of the operating system. Servers not running
ACPI-enabled operating systems will shut down to standby power
mode immediately.
Emergency shutdown Press and hold the Power button for at least four seconds until the
main power is off and the server enters standby power mode.
When the main power is off, the Power/OK LED on the front
panel flashes, indicating that the server is in standby power mode.
Caution – To completely power off the server, you must disconnect the AC power cords
from the back panel of the server.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Setup Troubleshooting
This section contains information to help you troubleshoot minor server problems.
If you experience problems while setting up your server, refer to the troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Procedures
Possible solution
Server powers on,
but the monitor does
• Is the Power button for the monitor turned on?
• Is the monitor power cord connected to a wall outlet?
• Is the monitor power cord connected to the monitor?
• Does the wall outlet have power? Test by plugging in another
CD or DVD does not • Move the mouse or press any key on the keyboard. The drive
eject from the media
tray when you press
the Eject button.
might be in low power mode.
• Use the utility software installed on your server to eject the CD.
• Make sure that the media in the device is not in use and is not
mounted by the operating system.
No video is
• Is the monitor cable attached to the video connector?
displayed on the
monitor screen.
• Does the monitor work when connected to another system?
• If you have another monitor, does it work when connected to the
original system?
• If, after POST and BIOS are complete, you no longer see video
output on your monitor and see only a flashing cursor, check the
configuration of the operating system to determine if it is
configured to redirect its output exclusively over the serial line.
Server does not
Keep notes on the following situations in case you need to call
power on when the
front panel Power
button is pressed.
• Is the Power LED illuminated on the front of the system? (Ensure
that the power cord is connected to the system and to a grounded
power receptacle.)
• Does the wall outlet have power? Test by plugging in another
• Does the monitor sync within five minutes after power on? (The
green LED on the monitor stops flashing and remains
Keyboard or mouse
does not respond to
• Verify that the mouse and keyboard cables are connected to the
on-board USB 2.0 connectors on the server.
• Verify that the server is powered on and the front Power LED is
Chapter 6 If You Need Help
Troubleshooting Procedures (Continued)
Possible solution
Server appears to be The Power LED only blinks when all server components are in low
in low power mode, power mode. A tape drive might be connected to your server.
but the Power LED
does not blink.
Because tape drives do not enter low power mode, the Power LED
does not blink.
Hung or frozen
server: No response
from mouse or
keyboard or any
Try to access your system from a different server on the network:
1. On another system, type ping IP_address_of_server.
2. If a response is returned, then try logging in to the Sun Fire
X4150 server using either telnet, ssh, or rlogin.
3. If you successfully log in, list the running processes using the ps
4. Kill any processes that appear unresponsive or should not be
running, by using the kill process_ID command.
5. Check the responsiveness of the Sun Fire X4150 server after each
process is killed.
If the this procedure does not work, power cycle the server:
1. Press the Power button to power off the server and wait 20 to 30
2. Press the Power button again to power system back on.
Note – For additional troubleshooting information, see the Sun Fire X4150 Server
Service Manual.
Contacting Support
If the troubleshooting procedures in this chapter fail to solve your problem, use
TABLE 6-3 to collect information that you might need to communicate to the support
technical support.
System Information Needed for Support
System Configuration Information Needed
Sun service contract number
System model
Your Information
Operating environment
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
System Information Needed for Support (Continued)
System Configuration Information Needed
System serial number
Your Information
Peripherals attached to the system
Email address and phone number for you and a
secondary contact
Street address where the system is located
Superuser password
Summary of the problem and the work being done
when the problem occurred
Other Useful Information
IP address
Server name (system host name)
Network or internet domain name
Proxy server configuration
Sun Technical Support Contacts
Server Documents and Support Resources
URL or Telephone Number
PDF files for all current Sun Fire
X4150 server documents.
Solaris™ 10 and other software
documents. This web site has full
search capabilities.
Discussion and troubleshooting
Support, diagnostic tools, and alerts
for all Sun products.
software patches. Lists some system
specifications, troubleshooting and
maintenance information, and other
SunServiceSM support phone numbers.
1-800-872-4786 (1-800-USA-4Sun), select Option 1
Chapter 6 If You Need Help
Sun Technical Support Contacts (Continued)
Server Documents and Support Resources
URL or Telephone Number
Lists international telephone numbers
for SunService support.
Warranty and contract support
contacts. Links to other service tools.
Warranties for every Sun product.
Sun Fire X4150 Installation Guide • January 2008
Preinstalled Windows Server 2003 R2 Operating
Undefined BookTitleFooter • January 2008
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