Cruzer Enterprise
Product Specifications
Revision 1.0
Document No. PSP-CRE-0507-11
May, 2007
SanDisk Corporation
Corporate Headquarters • 601 McCarthy Blvd. • Milpitas, CA 95035
Phone (408) 801-1000 • Fax (408) 801-8657
Cruzer Enterprise
Product Specifications
Revision 1.0
1. Scope
This Product Specification document provides product and technical information for the Cruzer Enterprise
using the S2 controller. This document is intended for System and IT Administrators who are responsible for
the care and maintenance of the Cruzer Enterprise.
2. Product Overview
Cruzer Enterprise offers the following features:
Cruzer Enterprise is 2.0 High Speed compliant and 1.1 Full Speed compatible
The drive is fully secured using a sophisticated password mechanism
Cruzer Enterprise includes a 256-bit AES hardware-based encryption
Cruzer Enterprise can be managed using Cruzer Enterprise CMC, a software based interface that provides
corporate networks with security against internal threats and loss of corporate sensitive data, while securing
data residing on corporate issued Cruzer Enterprise drives.
As with any USB Flash drive, the Cruzer Enterprise drive can be used to store data. However, all
information on the Cruzer Enterprise is securely stored and encrypted with a 256-bit AES hardware based
encryption. It is also secured using a sophisticated password protection method. In addition, the Cruzer
Enterprise includes a “lockdown” mode for enhanced security. This lockdown feature will lock the Cruzer
Enterprise whenever a maximum number of password attempts exceed a pre-configured value. In the event
that the device is locked, the device must be reformatted to enable operation. All data on the Cruzer
Enterprise will be erased.
2.1 Product Architecture
The Cruzer Enterprise is based on the SanDisk S2 controller, which is designed for data storage applications.
It combines these storage capabilities with a self-contained system based on the ARM7-TDMI 32-bit RISC
processor to enable a wide range of applications. Users can extend device functionality with applications
based on the S2 platform to secure files, personalize the user interface, and other functions.
The following diagram illustrates the main functional blocks of the S2 controller:
Figure 1: S2 Controller Architecture
© 2007 SanDisk® Corporation
May, 2007 Document No. PSP-CRE-0507-11
Cruzer Enterprise
Product Specifications
Revision 1.0
2.2 Data Security
The Cruzer Enterprise security architecture combines hardware-based access control and security features
that are insulated from the host computer environment.
Cruzer Enterprise implements a double security mechanism, access control and data encryption, based on
SHA-1 and AES algorithms. Encrypted data is stored in a secure zone, hidden until successful authentication
is completed by the Cruzer Enterprise access control mechanism. This method of encryption and
authentication is more secure than software commands. Data is encrypted and decrypted dynamically within
the device, thus only data required by the host PC is decrypted and sent to the PC.
Access Control - Maximum Number of Attempts (Max
Cruzer Enterprise locks automatically for further access after a predefined number of consecutive, incorrect
password attempts. This number is defined during the manufacturing process. This feature prevents brute
force attacks, where the hacker tries several password variations in order to determine the correct password.
Encryption Algorithms
Cruzer Enterprise implements industry-standard symmetric and asymmetric algorithms. No proprietary
algorithms are used.
Symmetric Algorithm
Cruzer Enterprise supports the symmetric AES algorithm described in Table 1.
The Parallel AES Coprocessor is used for fast computation of the Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm.
The AES algorithm is described by the FIPS PUB 197 Advanced Encryption Standard.
Table 1: Symmetric Algorithm used by Cruzer Enterprise
Encryption Algorithm
Key Length
Encryption Mode
TDEA Electronic Code Book (TECB)
Figure 2 illustrates the encryption flow using the Electronic Code Book (ECB) encryption mode. Details of
the encryption and decryption cycles follow.
Figure 2: TDEA Electronic Code Book (TECB) Mode
In TECB encryption, a 256-bit plaintext data block (P) is used directly as the input block (I). The input block
is processed through the AES encoder using a 256-bit key. The resulting 256-bit output block (O) is used
directly as ciphertext (C).
© 2007 SanDisk® Corporation
May, 2007 Document No. PSP-CRE-0507-11
Cruzer Enterprise
Product Specifications
Revision 1.0
In TECB decryption, a 256-bit ciphertext block (C) is used directly as the input block (I). The input block is
processed through the AES decoder using the same 256-bit key. The resulting 256-bit output block (O)
produces the plaintext (P).
Hashing Algorithm
Cruzer Enterprise implements a SHA-1 hash function as part of access control and creation of a symmetric
encryption key for flash data.
Random Number Generator
Cruzer Enterprise implements a hardware Random Number Generator.
2.3 System Requirements
The system requirements for the Cruzer Enterprise are as follows:
Pentium III processor
10 MB free disk space
USB 1.1 port* (For best performance, it is recommended to use a USB 2.0 port)
Operating Systems:
Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4 and higher
Microsoft Windows XP SP1 and higher
Microsoft Windows XP 64-bit SP1
Microsoft Server 2000
Microsoft Server 2003 (Standard and Enterprise Editions)
Microsoft Vista (all editions)
Note: For Windows 2000 users without administrative privileges, USB 2.0 port is required.
2.4 Product Warranty
The Cruzer Enterprise has a warranty period of two (2) years.
© 2007 SanDisk® Corporation
May, 2007 Document No. PSP-CRE-0507-11
Cruzer Enterprise
Product Specifications
Revision 1.0
3. Product Specifications
3.1 Flash Type
The Cruzer Enterprise contains Single-Level Cell (SLC) NAND flash.
3.2 Interface
The Cruzer Enterprise employs the following interfaces:
USB 2.0 high-speed
USB 1.1 compliant (not recommended because of slow transfer rates)
3.3 Capacity
Table 2: Flash Capacity
Device Capacity (GB)
Number of Flash Chips
Drive / User Area
Table 3: Cruzer Enterprise User Area Capacity (FAT File System)
1 GB
2 GB
4 GB
8 GB
User Area Capacity (KB)
3.4 Supported Operating Systems
See System Requirements for a list of supported operating systems.
3.5 Device Configuration
The device consists of the following configuration:
1 read-only partition (appears as CD-ROM drive to the operating system)
1 secure removable partition (appears as a removable USB flash drive to the operating system)
1 hidden partition (not accessible to the operating system)
Customer-specified content can be placed on the device during manufacturing
© 2007 SanDisk® Corporation
May, 2007 Document No. PSP-CRE-0507-11
Cruzer Enterprise
Product Specifications
Revision 1.0
3.6 Performance
Performance was measured using industry-standard benchmark software.
USB 2.0 High Speed
480 Mbit/sec high-speed USB compatible
Table 4: Cruzer Enterprise Transfer Speed (Minimum)
Multiple Flash
1 GB
2 GB
4 GB
8 GB
3.7 LED Functionality
LED Functions:
No LED is visible - Cruzer Enterprise is connected and inactive
LED is flashing - Cruzer Enterprise is transmitting or receiving data or is in the identification process
3.8 Certifications and Standard Compliance
Cruzer Enterprise has the following certifications:
USB high-speed certification (high power device)
FIPS 197 AES engine (CAVP certificate #464)
WHQL for Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista
© 2007 SanDisk® Corporation
May, 2007 Document No. PSP-CRE-0507-11
Cruzer Enterprise
Product Specifications
Revision 1.0
4. Electrical Specifications
4.1 Power Mode
The Cruzer Enterprise is identified as a high-powered device.
4.2 DC Characteristics
Table 5: DC Characteristics for Full-Speed and High-Speed Operation
(TA = 25°C,VDD = 3.3v, VSS = 0V)
Test Conditions
USB Signals
Supply Voltage:
Supply Current (RMS)
© 2007 SanDisk® Corporation
May, 2007 Document No. PSP-CRE-0507-11
Cruzer Enterprise
Product Specifications
Revision 1.0
5. Environmental Specifications
5.1 Temperature
Operating temperature: 0° C to 60° C
Storage temperature: -40° C to 70° C
5.2 Humidity
Relative humidity during operation (non-condensing): 5% to 90%
Relative humidity during storage: 5% to 95%
5.3 Altitude
Operating: Low Altitude Limit: -200 m; High Altitude Limit: 6,096 m (20,000 ft)
Non-operating: Low Altitude Limit: -200 m; High Altitude Limit: 12,192 m (40,000 ft)
5.4 Vibration (Random)
Operating: 5 G RMS, 10 to 2,000 Hz, 0.5 Oct/min sweep rate
Non-operating: 10 G RMS, 10 to 2,000 Hz, 0.5 Oct/min sweep rate
5.5 Shock
Operational Half-Sine Shock: The device withstands operational half-sine shock of 90 in/sec (179 g peak) 2
shocks in 3 directions duration 2ms.
Non-Operational Half-Sine Shock: The device withstands operational half-sine shock of 90 in/sec (179 g
peak) 2 shocks in 3 directions duration 2ms.
5.6 Crush
The device withstands 3.3kgf/cm2 of sustained force on all three axes without any damage.
5.7 Drop Test
The device withstands 2 drops on concrete floor from 60 inches on each of 6 axes without any damage.
5.8 Dust Protection
The internal protection corresponds to level IP50 according to IEC 60529.
5.9 Restricted Materials Content and RoHS Compliance
Cruzer Enterprise complies with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive, as well as the
directive regarding lead-free products.
In addition, Cruzer Enterprise does not contain any material that is listed as restricted in the 2002/95/EC
directive issued by the European Parliament.
© 2007 SanDisk® Corporation
May, 2007 Document No. PSP-CRE-0507-11
Cruzer Enterprise
Product Specifications
Revision 1.0
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© 2007 SanDisk Corporation. All rights reserved.
SanDisk products are covered or licensed under one or more of the following U.S. Patent Nos. 5,070,032;
5,095,344; 5,168,465; 5,172,338; 5,198,380; 5,200,959; 5,268,318; 5,268,870; 5,272,669; 5,418,752; 5,602,987.
Other U.S. and foreign patents awarded and pending.
Lit. No. Revision 1.0 Rev. 1.0
Printed in U.S.A.
Revision History
May 2007
Revision 1.0—initial release
© 2007 SanDisk® Corporation
May, 2007 Document No. PSP-CRE-0507-11
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