Digital Camcorder
Operating Instructions
Before operating the unit, please read this manual
thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
The supplied CD-ROM includes operation manuals for
the DSR-370/570WS series of digital camcorders
(English, Japanese, French, German, Italian and
Spanish versions).
For more details, see page 14 “Using the CD-ROM
2001 Sony Corporation
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Product Configurations ....................................................9
Features ...........................................................................10
Features of the DSR-370/370P/570WS/570WSP Camera
Section.......................................................................... 10
Features of the DSR-570WS/570WSP Camera Section ... 12
Features of VCR Section ................................................... 12
Other Features ................................................................... 13
Using the CD-ROM Manual.............................................14
CD-ROM System Requirements ....................................... 14
Preparations ....................................................................... 14
To Read the CD-ROM Manual.......................................... 14
Location and Function of Parts .....................................15
Front View ......................................................................... 15
Right Side View ................................................................. 16
Left and Upper View ......................................................... 26
Rear and Bottom................................................................ 28
VCL-716BX Zoom Lens (for DSR-370K2/370PK2) ....... 30
VCL-719BX Zoom Lens (for DSR-370K1/370PK1) ....... 32
DXF-801/801CE Viewfinder............................................. 35
Chapter 2
Inserting and Replacing the Lithium Battery ...............37
Fitting the Lens ...............................................................39
Using Accessories ..........................................................41
Using the Viewfinder ......................................................... 41
Fitting the 5-inch Electronic Viewfinder ........................... 42
Fitting to a Tripod.............................................................. 42
Using an Optional Microphone ......................................... 43
Using a Video Light........................................................... 44
Fitting the Shoulder Strap ................................................. 45
Connecting to Audio System............................................. 46
Connecting a CA-370 Intercom Adaptor .......................... 48
Using the Optional LC-DS500 Carrying Case .................. 49
Using the Optional LC-DS300SFT Soft Carrying Case ... 49
Fitting and
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 2
Connections ....................................................................50
Connecting a Number of Camcorders ............................... 50
Connecting an External VCR ............................................ 51
Connecting an i.LINK Digital Cassette Recorder ............. 51
Connecting a Camera Control Unit ................................... 52
Power Supply...................................................................53
Fitting and
Using a BP-L40/L40A/L60/L60A/L90/L90A/M50/M100
Battery Pack ................................................................. 53
Using an AC Adaptor ........................................................ 55
Using the Anton Bauer Intelligent Battery System ........... 55
Chapter 3
Basic Procedure for Shooting........................................57
Using DynaLatitude Function ........................................... 58
Recording ........................................................................59
Usable Cassettes ................................................................ 59
Recording on the Internal VCR ......................................... 60
Recording External Video Signals..................................... 64
Recording on an External VCR Using the VTR/CCU
Connector (26-pin) or DV OUT Connector ................. 64
Back Space Editing .........................................................67
Starting Back Space Editing at Any Tape Position ........... 67
Using the Edit Search Function While Back Space
Editing .......................................................................... 68
Using the Freeze Mix Function ......................................... 69
Playback — Checking Recorded Contents ...................70
Checking the Recorded Contents Immediately After
Shooting — Recording Review.................................... 70
Viewing Monochrome Playback in the Viewfinder........... 70
Viewing Color Playback.................................................... 70
Setting Time Values .........................................................71
Setting the User Bit Value ................................................. 72
Setting the Time Code Value ............................................. 73
Synchronization With External Time Code Signals
— Gen-Lock ................................................................ 75
ClipLink Shooting ...........................................................77
Setting Editing Points While Shooting.............................. 79
Resuming Recording in ClipLink Mode ........................... 81
Table of Contents
Chapter 4
Viewfinder Screen Indications .......................................85
Changing the Viewfinder Display ..................................... 85
Viewfinder Normal Indications.......................................87
Status Indications .............................................................. 90
Viewfinder Basic Menu ...................................................92
Basic Menu Operations ..................................................... 92
Contents and Settings of Each Menu Page........................ 92
Viewfinder Advanced Menu............................................98
Advanced Menu Operations .............................................. 98
Contents and Settings of Each Menu Page...................... 100
Viewfinder Screen
Indications and
Video Output and Viewfinder Picture (DSR-570WS/
570WSP only) ............................................................ 107
Setup Files .....................................................................108
Calling up a Setup File .................................................... 108
Changing File Settings .................................................... 110
Saving File Settings......................................................... 110
Using SetupNavi and SetupLog...................................113
Setting Up the Camera Using Data Recorded on Tape ... 113
Recording the Menu Settings Onto a Tape...................... 114
Viewing SetupLog Data .................................................. 115
Chapter 5
Adjustments and
Setting on the VCR Section — VCR Menu...................117
VCR Menu Operation ....................................................118
Basic Operation ............................................................... 118
Menu 101 Setting the Real Time Clock and Calendar ... 119
Menu 201 Checking the Total Operating (Power-On)
Hours .......................................................................... 119
Menu 204 Selecting Frame Mode (DF/NDF) for Time
Code (for DSR-370/570WS only).............................. 119
Menu 206 Selecting Battery Capacity Indication .......... 120
Menu 207 Setting Standby-On Period ........................... 120
Menu 210 Using Auto-Check Function .......................... 121
Menu 211 Selecting ClipLink Function ......................... 123
Menu 212 Selecting Audio Recording Mode ................. 123
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 5
Menu 213 Selecting Audio Reference Level.................. 124
Adjustments and
Settings (Continued)
Menu 214 Setting Fade-In/Fade-Out for the Audio
Recording Start and Stop Points ................................ 124
Menu 220 Using Setup Add
(for DSR-370/570WS only) ....................................... 125
Menu 221 Using Setup Remove
(for DSR-370/570WS only) ....................................... 125
White Balance Adjustment ...........................................126
Saving an Appropriate White Balance Value in
Memory ...................................................................... 126
Using the Preset White Balance Settings ........................ 127
Light Sources and Color Temperature............................. 128
Using the ATW (Auto Tracing White Balance)
Function ..................................................................... 128
Black Balance Adjustment ...........................................129
Shutter Settings ............................................................130
Viewfinder Screen Adjustments ..................................132
Adjusting the Lens ........................................................133
Flange Focal Length Adjustment .................................... 133
Iris Adjustments............................................................... 134
Adjusting the Iris Sensitivity ........................................... 135
Macrophotography .......................................................... 135
Settings for Special Cases ...........................................137
Skin Detail Correction..................................................... 138
Adjusting Color in the Specified Area ............................ 138
Important Notes on Operation .....................................139
Characteristics of CCD Sensors ...................................... 140
Cleaning the Video Heads ............................................141
Warning System ............................................................142
Condensation ................................................................... 143
Troubleshooting ............................................................144
Specifications ................................................................146
Related Products.............................................................. 149
Table of Contents
Chart of Optional Components and Accessories ......151
What Is ClipLink? ..........................................................152
How ClipLink Changes Video Production Techniques ... 152
ClipLink Operation Flow ...............................................153
Example System Configuration ...................................... 153
Data Generated When Shooting ...................................... 154
Table of Contents
Product Configurations
The eight models, DSR-370L/370PL, DSR-370K1/
370PK1/, DSR-370K2/370PK2/ and DSR-570WSL/
570WSPL, comprise both NTSC and PAL versions
and the components as shown in the figure below.
The operation of the basic camcorder is the same in all
VCT-U14 Tripod
DXF-801/801CE Viewfindera)
Switch guardb)
VCL-716BX Zoom Lens
(for DSR-370K2/370PK2)
Test chart for flange focal
length adjustment
Shoulder strap
• Lens mount cap
• Binding tie
• Operating instructions
VCL-719BX Zoom Lens
(for DSR-370K1/370PK1)
570WSP Camcorder
a)Part No. A-8279-329-A (for DSR-370/570WS)
Part No. A-8326-150-A (for DSR-370P/570WSP)
b)The switch guard can be removed. (See page 15.)
c) Use an optional zoom lens with the DSR-570WS/570WSP.
Chapter 1 Overview
DCC+ (dynamic contrast control plus)
Prevents white breakup when shooting a high intensity
subject, and also prevents color faults in high intensity
The DSR-370/370P is a 4:3 standard screen type
digital camcorder. The DSR-570WS/570WSP is a 16:9
wide screen type (4:3/16:9 switchable) digital
The performance of the Camcorder CCDs is as
Black stretch and compress
Enables control of luminance signal levels in black
areas without changing the hue.
2-inch IT type Power HAD CCD
Variety of detail corrections
The DSR-370/370P uses 1/2-inch IT type Power HAD
CCDs which excel in reduction of smear, sensitivity
and picture quality.
• Smear: –110 dB
• Sensitivity: F11.0 (at 3200 K, 2000 lux)
• S/N: 62 dB
• Skin detail function: this function gives a slightly
softer appearance to the subject’s face. The target
skin color can be automatically set.
• Black halo correction
• Red/green vertical detail correction: this function
performs vertical detail compensation for both red
and green signals.
3-inch IT type Power HAD CCD
• Horizontal detail frequency control
The DSR-570WS/570WSP uses 2/3-inch IT type
Power HAD CCDs with 520,000 pixels which excel in
picture quality and sensitivity.
New Functions boost operability
• Smear: –120 dB
• Sensitivity: F11.0 (at 3200 K, 2000 lux)
• S/N: 63 dB
EZ (easy) mode function
When there isn’t time to check the camcorder settings,
simply press the EZ mode button to start the auto
adjustment function using standard settings. There is
no need to lose a shot for lack of setup time.
Features of the DSR-370/370P/
570WS/570WSP Camera Section
EZ (easy) focus
Press the EZ focus button before shooting to ensure a
Following are common features of the DSR-370/370P
and DSR-570WS/570WSP camera section.
quick and accurate focus.
Dual pixel readout (DPR1))
For more information about the DSR-570WS/570WSP, see
“Features of the DSR-570WS/570WSP Camera Section” on
page 12.
When the gain is set to either 18 dB or 24 dB, the gain
setting can be doubled (6 dB up) without increasing
the noise level.
Programmable gain
Sophisticated image processing
The amount of gain relative to the GAIN switch setting
(H, M, or L) can be programmed as –3 dB, 0 dB, 3
dB, 6 dB, 9 dB, 12 dB, 18 dB, 18 dB+DPR, 24 dB,
24 dB+DPR and hyper gain.
TruEye™ processing makes the following
performance features possible. This digital signal
processing has brought reproduction of natural colors
to the level achieved by the human eye.
Hyper gain
Hyper gain (36 dB , or about 60 times greater than 0
dB (about 120 times greater for DSR-570WS/570WSP
only)) can be easily set via one switch setting. This can
also be done from remote equipment.
Enables detailed adjustment of contrast control in each
pixel in accordance with a histogram of luminance
signal levels (see page 58).
1) DPR = Dual Pixel Readout
Chapter 1 Overview
Auto tracing white balance (ATW)
1-kHz reference signal output
Along with a color bar, a 1-kHz reference signal can
also be output.
This function automatically traces the white balance,
which constantly changes as lighting conditions
change. Auto tracing white balance is especially
useful when there is no time to manually adjust the
white balance or when shooting moves between indoor
and outdoor locations.
Freeze mix function
The freeze mix function superimposes any previously
recorded still picture on the viewfinder screen to
facilitate framing the subject when reshooting the
Total level control system (TLCS)
Even if the incoming light exceeds the range in which
the standard auto iris can control exposure, the auto
gain control (AGC) or auto exposure (AE) backs up to
ensure proper exposure.
Edit Search Function
Pressing the EDIT SEARCH buttons allows the tape to
play back in search mode. Set either of two playback
Recording time (REC TIME) display
Recording time can be displayed in either of the
following modes.
SetupLogTM function
Settings at shooting are recorded onto the tape in real
time. This recorded data can then be used to reproduce
the same shooting conditions in subsequent shots. It
also makes it easier to identify the cause of problems
in previous shots.
• Total recording time for all cuts (TTL1))
• Total recording time for current cut (DUR2))
Viewfinder super detail
Video signals for the viewfinder are mixed with DTL
Video light control
signals to make focusing easier.
A video light connector and control switch are
equipped. You can turn the light on and off
automatically as you start and stop the VCR operation.
Dual zebra pattern display
Two types of zebra patterns, zebra 1 and zebra 2 can
be displayed simultaneously or independently. The
zebra 1 can be set to the levels ranging from 70 to 90
IRE on the DSR-370/570WS (or from 70 to 90% on
the DSR-370/570WSP) and the zebra 2 indicates the
levels of 100 IRE or more for the DSR-370/570WS (or
the levels of 100% or more for the DSR-370/
High-performance viewfinder (DXF-801/
• High resolution (600 TV lines of horizontal
• DISPLAY switch that can turn the character display
on and off
Color temperature display
• Light that can light the lens control elements
• Large-diameter eye cup for easier viewing and
When reading the white balance, the color temperature
is displayed on the viewfinder screen.
• PEAKING potentiometer for vertical and horizontal
detail control
Switching the color temperatures for the
preset white balance
You can select the preset white balance at 3200 K or
5600 K by setting the FILTER control. The preset
white balance can be switched to other value when the
menu setting is changed (see page 93).
• Two indicators can be used as TALLY indicators
• Tough die-cast aluminum body
• Automatic aspect ratio switching between 16:9 and
4:3 (DSR-570WS/570WSP only)
Video monitor output with text
The video signal with text superimposed that is shown
in the viewfinder can also be output to an external
video monitor.
1) TTL = Total 2) DUR = Duration
Chapter 1 Overview
DVCAM cassettes
Features of the DSR-570WS/
570WSP Camera Section
• This camcorder can use both standard-size and mini-
size DVCAM cassettes. According to cassette size,
the camcorder automatically corrects reel position.
• The maximum recording/playback times are 184
minutes for standard size cassettes and 40 minutes for
mini cassettes.
• DVCAM cassettes include a cassette memory.
Information about the editing points (ClipLink™ log
data) that is specified while shooting is recorded into
this cassette memory.
Following are features of the DSR-570WS/570WSP,
considered only as a 16:9 wide screen type camcorder.
For features which are common with the DSR-370/
370P 4:3 standard screen type camcorder, see
“Features of the DSR-370/370P/570WS/570WSP
Camera Section” on the previous page.
Switchable between aspect ratios 16:9 and 4:3
Menu operations allows instantaneous switching
between 16:9 (wide screen) and 4:3 (standard screen)
aspect ratios. In 4:3 mode, 16:9 video signals produced
by wide aspect CCDs are digitally processed to extract
the section corresponding to a 4:3 screen (see page
Able to record the external video signals
Fitting the optional DSBK-501/501P Analog
Composite Input Board enables the camcorder to
record external analog video signals. (See pages 27, 64
and 93.)
Addition of aspect ID signal
By menu settings, a wide-aspect ID signal1) can be
added to video signals2) in 16:9 mode (see page 105).
ClipLink™ function
Automatic switching of viewfinder aspect ratio
When the supplied DXF-801/801CE viewfinder is
used, the scan size of the viewfinder screen switches
automatically to match the current aspect ratio (16:9 or
4:3) (see page 105).
The ClipLink function links all stages from shooting to
editing. Once editing points have been set with this
function during shooting, they can be used to boost the
efficiency of editing work.
Creation of clips
Features of VCR Section
Using the ClipLink function, the camcorder operator
can create clips to be used during editing.
The images captured at the Mark IN points are
recorded in a compressed format onto the tape as
“Index Pictures”3). In addition, editing point-related
data (scene number, time code for Mark IN/OUT
points, etc.) is recorded in the cassette memory.
Features of the VCR section are common to the DSR-
370/370P and DSR-570WS/570WSP.
The camcorder uses the DVCAM recording format.
The internal signal processing is digitalized to provide
more stable output signals and higher reliability.
ClipLink mode
Compatible with consumer DV
To use the ClipLink function, select the menu setting
to set the camcorder into ClipLink mode. There is also
a ClipLink continue function that enables clips to be
continued even after a break in recording.
A DV cassette recorded on a DV-format VCR can be
played back on the camcorder. (Cassettes recorded in
LP mode cannot be played back.)
• The Y component of Y/C separate signals and the Y
component of component signals output from the VTR/
CCU connector.
1) ID signals complying with EIAJ CPR-1204 (DSR-370/
570WS) or complying with ETS WSS (DSR-370P/
3) It is necessary to fit the optional DSBK-301A Index
Picture Board.
2) Video signals refer to the following:
• Video signals output from the VIDEO OUT connector
and MONITOR OUT connector.
Chapter 1 Overview
PCM digital audio
Equipped with DV OUT connector
Recording/playback can be set to audio lock mode.
You are able to select between two-channel recording
(with a sampling frequency of 48 kHz) mode or four-
channel recording (with a sampling frequency of 32
kHz) mode (CH-1 and CH-2 only).
The DV OUT connector is i.LINK1) compatible. You
can connect Sony equipment with DV input
You can control cut editing, dubbing, recording, and
recording pause if you connect the DSR-70A/70AP
Digital Videocassette Recorder (with the DSBK-140
i.LINK/DV Input/Output Board fitted) to the DV
OUT connector on the camcorder, using an i.LINK
cable (DV connecting cable). (See pages 29, 51, and
Equipped with audio output connectors
During recording or playback, audio output can be
monitored via a built-in speaker, a connected earphone
or via (two-channel) audio output connectors.
Other Features
Color playback
Can be combined with portable VCR and
Connect an external video monitor for color playback
(playback adaptor not required). This camcorder is
equipped with two video monitor connectors: one for
composite video output and the other for S-video
You can connect Betacam VCRs, commercial S-VHS
VCRs, and the CCU-M5A/M5AP to the 26-pin VTR/
CCU connection on the front panel.
VCR data display
This camcorder is able to display the following data on
the viewfinder screen.
• Time values (counter, time code, or user bit values)
• Audio recording levels
• Remaining tape time
• Operation mode of the VCR section
• Remaining battery capacity
• ClipLink information
1) is a trademark of Sony Corporation and indicates that
this product is in agreement with IEEE 1394-1995
specifications and their revisions.
Chapter 1 Overview
Location and Function of Parts
Using the CD-ROM Manual
The supplied CD-ROM includes operation manuals for
the DSR-370/570WS series of digital camcorders and
players (English, Japanese, French, German, Italian
and Spanish versions).
To Read the CD-ROM Manual
To read the operation manual contained in the CD-
ROM disc, do the following.
CD-ROM System Requirements
1 Insert the CD-ROM disc in your CD-ROM drive.
The following are required to access the supplied CD-
ROM disc.
A cover page appears automatically in your
• Computer: PC with MMX Pentium 166 MHz or
faster CPU, or Macintosh computer with PowerPC
If it does not appear automatically in the browser,
double click the index.htm file on the CD-ROM
- Installed memory: 32 MB or more
- CD-ROM drive: × 8 or faster
• Monitor: Monitor supporting resolution of 800 × 600
or higher
2 Select and click the operation manual that you
want to read.
A PDF file of the operation manual opens.
When these requirements are not met, access to the
CD-ROM disc may be slow, or not possible at all.
If you lose the CD-ROM disc or become unable to
read its content, for example because of a hardware
failure, contact a Sony service representative.
The following software must be installed on your
computer in order to use the operation manuals
contained in the CD-ROM disc.
• Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 4.0 or higher, or
Netscape Navigator Version 4.0 or higher
• Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 4.0 or higher
• If Microsoft Internet Explorer is not installed, it may
be downloaded from the following URL:
• If Netscape Navigator is not installed, it may be
downloaded from the following URL:
• If Adobe Acrobat Reader is not installed, it may be
downloaded from the following URL:
• MMX and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel
Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and
other countries.
• Netscape Navigator is a registered trademark of Netscape
Communications Corporation in the U.S. and other
• PowerPC is a registered trademark of International
Business Machines Corporation.
• Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer,
• Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks of Adobe
Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other
• Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Chapter 1 Overview
Location and Function of Parts
Front View
0 Switch guard
How to remove the switch guard
1. Detach the two screws (M3).
2. Remove the switch guard, and replace
the screws detached in step 1.
1 MIC IN +48 V connector
2 VF connector
3 FILTER control
4 Lens mount
5 SHUTTER switch
6 TAKE button
8 WHT/BLK switch
9 VTR button
1 MIC (microphone) IN +48 V connector (XLR 3-
pin, female)
Connect the supplied microphone or an optional
microphone (operable with a 48 V supply).
6 TAKE button
Press this button to specify an editing point (Mark IN/
OUT or Cue point) at the current tape position during
shooting. (See page 79.)
2 VF (viewfinder) connector (20-pin)
This is the connector for the DXF-801/801CE
You can use this knob to manually adjust the channel 1
audio recording level.
3 FILTER control
Select the color temperature conversion filter
appropriate to the lighting conditions. (See page 58.)
8 WHT/BLK (white/black) switch
This switch is used for automatic adjustment of the
white balance and black balance. (See pages 126 to
4 Lens mount
Attach the zoom lens here.
9 VTR button
Press this button to start and stop recording on the
5 SHUTTER switch
Use this switch to set the shutter speed, CLS (clear
scan), or EVS setting (see page 130). Usually, set this
switch to OFF.
0 Switch guard
Prevents mis-operation of the EZ MODE button (4
on page 17), A.IRIS MODE switch (6 on page 17),
and ATW button (qf on page 17). When using these
buttons and switch, open the guard.
Chapter 1 Overview
Location and Function of Parts
Right Side View
Front section
1 EZ FOCUS button
2 EDIT SEARCH buttons
3 LIGHT switch
4 EZ MODE button and indicator
5 ZEBRA button and indicator
6 A.IRIS MODE switch and indicator
7 MENU switch
8 W.BAL switch
9 MENU dial
0 POWER switch
qa OUTPUT/DL/DCC+ switch
qs NG button
qd GAIN switch
qf ATW button and indicator
1 EZ FOCUS button
2 EDIT SEARCH buttons
Press this button to turn the “easy focus” function on.
This opens the iris, to make it easier to focus before
shooting. The indication “EZ FOCUS” appears in the
viewfinder while the function is on; to turn it off, press
the EZ FOCUS button again. If left on, the function
automatically turns off after about ten seconds.
You can see the search playback while pressing either
of these buttons at recording pause mode to quickly
find the next recording start point. Two playback
speeds are available. Press either of the buttons to the
inner position to increase the speed.
3 LIGHT (video light) switch
Controls the video light connected as follows.
AUTO: turns on the video light during recording if
the power switch on the light is set to on.
MAN (manual): allows the power switch on the
video light to turn the light on and off.
If the “easy focus” function is still on when you press
the VTR button, it turns off automatically and
recording starts about one second later.
Chapter 1 Overview
4 EZ (“easy”) MODE button and indicator
Press this button (EZ mode on) when you want to
shoot immediately, with automatic adjustment of the
camcorder settings to standard values. (See page 104
for EZ mode setting.) When this function is used, the
iris and the white balance are adjusted automatically.
(The total level control system functions.) Press this
button again to return the camcorder to the previous
settings (EZ mode off).
9 MENU dial
Use this dial to change menu pages or settings.
0 POWER switch
Powers the camcorder on or off.
qa OUTPUT/DL/DCC+ (DynaLatitude/dynamic
contrast control plus) switch
Use this switch to select the DCC+ function, the
DynaLatitude function, or color bar output.
Select the CAM/DCC+ position in most cases.
CAM/DCC+: This activates the DCC+ function.
This prevents color faults when shooting high-
intensity subjects.
EZ mode does not function in the following cases.
• When the RM-M7G Remote Control Unit is
• When the CCU-M5A/M5AP Camera Control Unit is
• When external analog signals are being input.
CAM/DL: This setting uses the DynaLatitude
function, which finely adjusts the contrast of each
pixel according to a histogram of luminance signal
levels. Access advanced menu page 2 to set the
DynaLatitude function ON or OFF. The
DynaLatitude effect can be set to any of three
levels, Low, STD (standard), and High with basic
menu page 2.
5 ZEBRA button and indicator
Depress this button to display a zebra pattern (diagonal
stripes) in the viewfinder.
Depending on the zebra setting in advanced menu page
4 (see page 102), the zebra 1 for video levels between
70 to 90 IRE (or 70 to 90%) and the zebra 2 for video
levels 100 IRE or more (or 100% or more) can be
displayed independently or simultaneously.
BARS: This setting displays color bars.
For details of menu operation, see Chapter 4 “Viewfinder
Screen Indications and Menus” (See page 85).
qs NG button
6 A.IRIS (auto iris) MODE switch and indicator
When you use the auto iris function (by setting the iris
selector on the lens to A), set this switch to suit the
shooting conditions. Selecting BACK L gives more
light to back-lit subjects, and selecting SPOT L adjusts
for high contrast in spot-lit subjects. For normal
shooting, set this switch to STD.
When using the ClipLink function during shooting,
you can designate a particular scene as “NG” (No
Good) by pressing this button before shooting the next
scene. Press the button again to cancel the NG setting.
qd GAIN switch
This selects one of the three gain settings, high,
medium or low. You can choose the gain values
assigned to the H, M and L settings from values from
–3 dB to 24 dB + DPR and hyper gain. (See page
100.) The factory default selections are 18 dB (H), 9
dB (M) and 0 dB (L).
7 MENU switch
When you press this switch to the ON position, the
basic menu is displayed. Keep pressing it to the ON
position to cycle through the various menu displays.
When you press the switch to the STATUS position,
the camcorder’s status (of current settings) is
When the HYPER GAIN switch (7 on page 25) is in
the ON position, the GAIN switch has no effect.
8 W. BAL (white balance) switch
This selects the white balance setting from the preset
value, the value in memory A or the value in memory
B. (See page 126.) You can select the preset white
balance at 3200 K or 5600 K using the FILTER
control (3 on page 15). You can change the preset
color temperature on basic menu page 2. (See page
qf ATW (auto tracing white balance) button and
Press this button, turning the indicator on, when you to
automatically adjust the white balance to follow
changes in the lighting conditions. (See page 128.)
Chapter 1 Overview
Location and Function of Parts
Rear section
1 EJECT button
2 Tape transport buttons and indicators
3 EARPHONE connector
4 WARNING indicator
5 LIGHT switch
6 DISPLAY switch
7 AUDIO LEVEL (CH-1/CH-2) knobs
8 Display window
9 RESET/(MENU SET) button
0 Speaker
qa ALARM knob
qs MONITOR knob
1 EJECT Z button
3 EARPHONE connector (mini-jack)
Press to open the cassette holder (1 on page 27) when
the camcorder is powered.
Connect an earphone or headphones. This outputs the
same sound that would be output to the speaker (0 on
page 21), but mutes the speaker.
2 Tape transport buttons and indicators
These buttons transport the tape as shown below.
4 WARNING indicator
This lights or blinks when an abnormality occurs.
For details, see “Warning System” on page 142.
During recording, none of these buttons operates.
5 LIGHT switch
This switches the display window (8 on page 19)
light on or off.
Rewinds the tape. The indicator lights while
the tape is being rewound.
Press while the tape is being rewound or
during playback to view reverse search
6 DISPLAY switch
Switches time value indication shown in the display
window (8 on page 19).
COUNTER: Shows the tape transport time in
HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes and seconds).
TC: Shows the time code value.
F FWD M Fast forwards the tape. The indicator lights
while the tape is being fast forwarded.
Press while the tape is being fast forwarded
or during playback to view forward search
Plays back the recorded video. The indicator
lights during playback.
U-BIT: Shows the user bit data in the time code.
Stops the tape.
Chapter 1 Overview
The audio levels are indicated in the display window 8.
For details, see “8 Display window”.
7 AUDIO LEVEL (CH-1/CH-2) (audio recording
level adjustments for channels 1 and 2) knobs
When the AUDIO SELECT (CH-1/CH-2) switches
(4 on page 23) are set to MAN, these knobs adjust
the audio levels being recorded on channels 1 and 2.
8 Display window
Shows the following items. Use the LIGHT switch (5
on page 18) to light up the display window.
A Playback indication
B DATE indication
C Non-drop frame indication (DSR-370/570WS only)
D External synchronization lock indication
E Hold indication
F Audio level indicators
G ClipLink log data indication
H ClipLink continue
S Time value
R Clip remaining
I IP indication a)
Q Tape remaining
P Battery capacity
J Lithium backup
F88 3428kk
battery warning
O Service indication
M Audio mode indications
N Warning indications
K DVCAM indication
L Cassette memory indication
a) When the optional DSBK-301A is fitted
Indications in the display window
A Playback indication
Appears during playback, fast forward or rewind with the time data display showing a
time code or user bit value.
B DATE indication
Appears when the date or time is displayed in the time value indication area S.
C Non drop-frame indication (DSR- Appears when non-drop frame mode is selected.
370/570WS only)
D External synchronization
Appears when the internal time code generator is locked to an external signal input to
the TC IN connector (3 on page 28).
E Hold indication
Appears when the internal time code generator is stopped.
These show the audio recording or playback levels of channel 1 and channel 2.
F Audio level indicators
G ClipLink log data indication
H ClipLink continue indication
I IP (Index Picture) indication
Appears when using a cassette with cassette memory containing ClipLink log data.
Appears when back space editing using ClipLink function is possible.
Appears when the ClipLink function is set to on in the VCR menu and Index Picture
recording is allowed. (The optional DSBK-301A is required.)
Chapter 1 Overview
Location and Function of Parts
Indications in the display window (continued)
J Lithium backup Appears when the voltage of the internal lithium backup battery (CR2032) is low. If this
battery warning indication appears, replace the lithium backup battery immediately.
For further information about replacing lithium battery, see “Inserting and Replacing
the Lithium Battery” (page 37).
Disappears when the cassette being played back is not for DVCAM format.
L Cassette
Appears when using a cassette with cassette memory.
M Audio mode
These show audio recording/playback mode.
Fs32k: 4-channel mode (32kHz sampling frequency)
Fs48k: 2-channel mode (48kHz sampling frequency)
For further information about selecting audio recording mode, see “Selecting Audio
Recording Mode Menu 212” (page 123).
N Warning
Include the following.
RF: Appears when the video heads are clogged, or when there is a fault in the
recording system.
SERVO: Appears when the servo lock is not functioning.
HUMID: Appears when there is condensation on the drum.
SLACK: Appears when there is a tape winding fault.
For measures against warning indications, see “Warning System” (page 142).
O Service
Appears during maintenance or VCR menu operations (page 117). It does not appear
during normal operation.
P Battery
This indicates the battery capacity and voltage as shown below.
Change menu setting for the battery you are using.
For menu settings, see “Selecting Battery Capacity Indication Menu 206” (page 120).
Battery voltage
BATT E[xxxxxx]F
15.0 V or more
14.0 to 15.0 V
13.0 to 14.0 V
12.0 to 13.0 V
11.3 to 12.0 V
11.25 to 11.3 V
11.0 to 11.25 V
11.0 V or less
12.5 V or more
12.0 to 12.5 V
11.75 to 12.0 V
11.5 to 11.75 V
11.3 to 11.5 V
11.25 to 11.3 V
11.0 to 11.25 V
11.0 V or less
14.0 V or more
BATT E[xxxxx ]F
13.65 V to 14.0 V
13.40 V to 13.65 V
12.90 V to 13.40 V
12.40 V to 12.90 V
12.25 V to 12.40 V
11.00 V to 12.25 V
11.0 V or less
BATT E[xxxxp]F
BATT E[xxx p]F
BATT E[xxpp]F
BATT E[xxpp]F (blinking)1)
BATT E[x pp]F (blinking)
BATT E[ppp]F (blinking)
1) Replace the battery pack when this indication appears.
Chapter 1 Overview
Indications in the display window (continued)
Q Tape remaining indication
During recording or pause mode, this indication shows the remaining tape time as
shown below. It is not displayed when no cassette is loaded.
Tape time remaining
30 minutes or more
25 to 30 minutes
20 to 25 minutes
15 to 20 minutes
10 to 15 minutes
5 to 10 minutes
2 to 5 minutes
TAPEx (blinking)
TAPE (blinking)
0 to 2 minutes
End of tape
R Clip remaining indication
This shows how many clip shots or Cue points can be recorded1).
Clip shots
51 or more
41 to 50
Cue point
101 points or more
81 to 100 points
61 to 80 points
41 to 60 points
21 to 40 points
1 to 20 points
1 to 6 points
31 to 40
21 to 30
11 to 20
CLIPx (blinking) 2)
1 to 10
1 to 3
CLIP (blinking) 2)
Cannot record
Cannot record
1) The optional DSBK-301A is required for Index Picture recording.
2) When back space editing using ClipLink function is possible (when CONT is displayed)
S Time value indication
Depending on the DISPLAY switch (6 on page 18) setting, this shows a counter
value, time code value or user bit value. Press the MENU button (1 on page 22) to
display the VCR menu.
9 RESET/(MENU SET) (counter reset/VCR
menu) button
Also, this button is used to change menu settings.
Resets the time value shown in the display window.
This button operates differently depending on settings
of the DISPLAY switch (6 on page 18) and the TC
mode switch 1 (9 on page 23) and 2 (8 on page 23).
For details on the VCR menu, see “Setting on the VCR
Section VCR Menu” (page 117).
0 Speaker
Outputs the recorded or playback audio. When a
warning indicator appears in the viewfinder or display
window, the speaker sounds a warning tone.
The speaker is muted (does not output a warning tone)
when an earphone is connected to the EARPHONE
connector (3 on page 18).
Switch setting
RESET button operation
Resets counter value to
TC mode switch 1: PRESET
TC mode switch 2: SET
Resets time code to
For details on the warning tone, see “Warning System”
(page 142).
TC mode switch 1: PRESET
TC mode switch 2: SET
Resets user bit a) to
00 00 00 00.
a)Bits of time code recorded on tape, in which users can
record necessary information.
Chapter 1 Overview
Location and Function of Parts
qa ALARM (alarm tone volume adjustment) knob
Controls the volume of the warning tone that is output
via the speaker (0 on page 21) or EARPHONE
connector (3 on page 18). Turning this knob to the
minimum setting mutes the alarm tone.
qs MONITOR (monitor volume adjustment) knob
Controls the volume of the sound other than the
warning tone that is output via the speaker (0 on page
21) or EARPHONE connector (3 on page 18).
Turning this knob to the minimum setting mutes the
audio output.
Operation panel under the cover
Right side
1 MENU button
2 ADVANCE button
3 SHIFT button
CH-2) switches
6 Lithium battery compartment
8 TC mode switch 2
9 TC mode switch 1
0 ClipLink CONTINUE button
setting, press this button to increment the digit that has
been selected with the SHIFT button (3 on page 23).
In other case, keep pressing this button to show the
clip remaining indication instead of time value.
(Example: CLIP 045)
1 MENU button
Press this button to display the VCR menu in the
display window.
For details about the VCR menu, see “Setting on the VCR
Section —VCR Menu” (page 117).
For time code and user bit settings, see page 71.
2 ADVANCE button
When setting time code and user bit values, or at menu
On how to use the ADVANCE button for menu settings, see
“Setting on the VCR Section —VCR Menu” (page 117).
Chapter 1 Overview
3 SHIFT button
8 TC (time code) mode switch 2
When setting time code and user bit values, or at menu
setting, keep pressing this button to select a digit. The
selected digit will start blinking.
In other case, keep pressing this button to show the
date (when the DISPLAY switch (6 on page 17) is
set to U-BIT) and time (when the DISPLAY switch is
set to TC) instead of time value.
Sets the mode for advancing time code values when
the TC mode switch 1 9 has been set to PRESET.
F-RUN: The time code advances continuously
whether or not the camcorder is recording. Use
this setting to align the time code value with real
SET: Use this setting to set the time code or user bit
R-RUN: The time code value advances only during
recording. Use this setting to have consecutive
recordings on the tape.
For time code and user bit settings, see page 71.
On how to use the SHIFT button for menu settings, see
“Setting on the VCR Section —VCR Menu” (page 117).
Note for the DSR-370/570WS
4 AUDIO SELECT (CH-1/CH-2) (audio recording
level adjustments manual/auto selection for
channels 1 and 2) switches
There are two time code frame modes: drop-frame
(DF) mode and non drop-frame (NDF) mode. This
product is shipped with drop-frame mode selected.
These select the audio recording level adjustment
For details on switching between drop-frame mode and non
drop-frame mode, see “Selecting Frame Mode (DF/NDF)
for Time Code (for DSR-370/570WS only) —Menu 204”
(page 119).
AUTO: Use the AGC (automatic gain control) circuit
to automatically adjust the audio level.
MAN: Enables users to manually adjust the AUDIO
LEVEL (CH-1/CH-2) knobs (7 on page 19) for
each channel. Select AUTO if excess input levels
are likely to occur.
For details on drop-frame mode and non drop-frame mode,
see “Drop-frame mode (for DSR-370/570WS only)” on page
5 AUDIO IN (CH-1/CH-2) (audio input selection
for channels 1 and 2) switches
9 TC (time code) mode switch 1
These select the input signals to channels 1 and 2.
FRONT: Signals from the microphone connected to
the MIC IN +48 V connector.
Selects between resetting the time code value or
continuing from the time code value at the end of the
previous recording.
VJ MIC: Signals from the remote control unit with
microphone connected to the REMOTE connector
WIRELESS: Signals from the WRR-855A
synthesized tuner connected to the WRR
connector via the CA-WR855 Camera Adaptor.
REAR: Signals from a microphone or external
equipment connected to the AUDIO IN (CH-1/
CH-2) connectors.
PRESET: This starts recording time code values on
the tape from the currently set value.
REGEN: During back space editing, this reads the
tape’s current time code value and sets the time
code to record starting from that value. The time
code value is advanced in R-RUN mode
regardless of the setting on TC mode switch 2 8.
DATE/TIME: This synchronizes the time code to
the real time clock set in the VCR menu (see page
119). In this case the time code of the DSR-370/
570WS is recorded in DF (drop-frame mode).
6 Lithium battery compartment
Insert the supplied CR2032 Lithium Battery.
On how to fit the lithium battery, see page 37.
If the ClipLink function is set to on (meaning ClipLink
shooting is allowed) in menu 211 and CONT is
displayed in the display window, regardless of the
setting of this switch, the time code generator
automatically enters the REGEN mode at recording.
(When not performing ClipLink shooting, set the
ClipLink function to oFF (see page 123)).
7 MONITOR OUT (monitor output)
Set ON to superimpose text information on the
monitor output.
Set this switch ON when using the freeze mix
Chapter 1 Overview
Location and Function of Parts
0 ClipLink CONTINUE button
When restarting ClipLink shooting, press this button to
add the new clip at the end of the recorded clips.
qa MONITOR SELECT (audio monitor selection)
Selects audio output via the speaker (0 on page 21) or
CH-1: Channel 1 audio
When restart recording without pressing this button,
the pre-recorded ClipLink log data and Index Pictures
are deleted.
MIX: Mixed audio (channels 1 and 2)
CH-2: Channel 2 audio
EXT: The sound selected by an external VCR
connected to the VTR/CCU connector (0 on
page 29)
For details , see “ClipLink Shooting” (page 77).
Left side
1 REC TIME switch
2 SKIN DTL switch
4 VTR TRIGGER switch
6 SETUP switch
7 HYPER GAIN switch
8 SKIN DTL SET button
9 TTL RESET button
OFF: Switches off the recording time display.
If, however, in advanced menu 6 you set the time
code display item (TC IND) to ON (see page
103), then the VCR time data (time code, counter,
or user bit value) is displayed.
1 REC (recording) TIME switch
Selects the recording time indication in the viewfinder.
TTL (TOTAL): Displays the total recording time.
The total recording time is not reset even when
you stop the VCR and power off the camcorder,
for example, to replace the battery pack.
DUR (DURATION): Displays the recording time of
the current cut.
Chapter 1 Overview
7 HYPER GAIN switch
Setting this switch to ON increases the gain by a factor
of about 60 with respect to 0 dB (a 30 dB increase by
electronic amplification and a 6 dB increase for DPR,
bringing about a total gain increase of 36 dB, or an
increase 42 dB for the DSR-570WS/570WSP only).
When this switch is in the ON position, the indication
“HYPER” appears in the viewfinder, and the GAIN
UP indicator in the viewfinder also lights.
The recording time displayed when this switch is set to
TTL or DUR is obtained by counting the duration of
the internal reference signal input to the camcorder.
The value may not agree exactly with the value
derived from the time code values. Furthermore, the
value displayed may not be correct when another
manufacture’s VCR is connected to the camcorder.
When finished shooting, return this switch to OFF
position. The “HYPER” indication disappears and the
GAIN UP indicator goes out.
2 SKIN DTL (skin detail) switch
Set this switch to ON to use the skin detail correction
For details, see “Skin Detail Correction” (page 138).
Increasing the gain with this switch reduces the
horizontal resolution by approx. 50%.
Depending on the external VCR connected to the
VTR/CCU connector (0 on page 29), this switches
the video signal output to the VCR.
COMPONENT, VBS: Component/composite video
8 SKIN DTL (skin detail ) SET button
Press this button with the SKIN DTL switch 2 to
display the area detect cursor on viewfinder screen.
Place the cursor on the target and press this button to
perform skin detail correction.
Y/C: S-video signal
For details, see “Skin Detail Correction” (page 138).
When a CCU (camera control unit) is connected,
component video signals/composite video signals are
output, regardless of the setting of this switch.
9 TTL (total) RESET button
Pressing this button resets the total recording time
(TTL selection) to 0.
4 VTR TRIGGER switch
Sets the function of the VTR button on the camcorder
or lens when a VCR is connected to the VTR/CCU
connector (0 on page 29) or DV OUT connector (8
on page 29).
PARALLEL: Operates both internal and external
INT ONLY: Operates the internal VCR only.
External VCR operation is performed locally.
EXT ONLY: Operates the external VCR only.
Set this switch to INT ONLY when you need to do
cut editing or dubbing using the DV OUT connector.
Set this switch to ON to insert a high-pass filter in the
microphone circuit, reducing wind noise.
Normally leave the switch in the OFF position.
6 SETUP switch
This selects the setup method for this camcorder.
FILE: Set up using both a setup file and the setup
STD: Set up using the setup menu. The setup file is
no longer displayed.
Chapter 1 Overview
Location and Function of Parts
Left and Upper View
Front section
1 Shoulder strap fitting
2 Attachment shoe for large viewfinder
3 Accessory fitting shoe and screw hole
4 Viewfinder left-to-right positioning ring
5 Viewfinder fitting shoe
6 REMOTE connector 1
7 Viewfinder front-to-back position locking knob
8 Fitting for optional microphone holder
9 Video light connector
0 LENS connector
qa VIDEO OUT connector
qs REMOTE connector 2
6 REMOTE connector 1 (mini-jack)
1 Shoulder strap fitting
Connect the RM-LG1 Remote Control Unit to enable
remote operation of the ClipLink function.
To use the supplied shoulder strap, fix one end here
and the other end to the right side. (See page 45.)
2 Attachment shoe for large viewfinder
This allows you to attach the optional electronic
viewfinder. (See page 42.)
The RM-81 cannot be connected.
If you connect the optional cable (Sony part number:
1-790-779-11) to this connector, you can control the
zoom using the optional RM-VJ1 Remote Control Unit
(equipped with microphone and monitor), even when
using the conventional lens.
3 Accessory fitting shoe and screw hole
Attach optional video lights or other accessories. (See
page 44.)
4 Viewfinder left-to-right positioning ring
Loosen this ring to adjust the left-to-right position of
the viewfinder. (See page 41.)
For details, consult your Sony dealer.
7 Viewfinder front-to-back position locking knob
Loosen this knob to adjust the front-to-back position of
the viewfinder. (See page 41.)
5 Viewfinder fitting shoe
Fix the DXF-801/801CE Viewfinder.
Chapter 1 Overview
8 Fitting for optional microphone holder
You can fit an optional CAC-12 Microphone Holder
here. (See page 43.)
qs REMOTE connector 2 (10-pin)
Connect the optional RM-M7G Remote Control Unit
to this connector. Set the CAMERA SELECT switch
on the bottom of RM-M7G to 1.
9 Video light connector
A video light with a maximum power consumption of
30 W such as the Anton Bauer Ultralight 2 or
equivalent can be connected.
• EZ mode cannot be used if the RM-M7G is
connected to the camcorder.
• Be sure to turn off the power of the camcorder before
connecting the RM-M7G.
0 LENS connector (12-pin)
• Be sure to turn off the power of the camcorder before
disconnecting the equipment connected to this
connector. Otherwise, the camcorder will not work
• To control this unit from a CCU (camera control
unit), connect the RM-M7G to the CCU.
If you use a lens with cable, connect the lens cable.
qa VIDEO OUT connector (BNC)
This outputs the video signal captured by the
Rear section
1 Cassette holder
2 GEN LOCK IN/VIDEO IN connector a)
3 TC IN connector
4 TC OUT connector
5 S VIDEO OUT connector
6 MONITOR OUT connector
7 AUDIO OUT CH-1/CH-2 connectors
a) When the optional DSBK-501/501P is fitted
1 Cassette holder
GEN LOCK IN: When synchronizing the camcorder
to an external signal, input a reference video
signal (VBS or BS). (See page 93.)
VIDEO IN: When the optional DSBK-501/501P
Analog Composite Input Board is fitted to the
camcorder, you can input the analog video signals
(VBS) to this connector.
Power the camcorder and press the EJECT button to
open the lid. Insert the cassette and close the lid by
pressing the indication “PUSH” .
2 GEN LOCK IN (gen lock video input)/VIDEO
IN (video input) connector (BNC)
Chapter 1 Overview
Location and Function of Parts
3 TC IN (time code input) connector (BNC)
Input an external signal for synchronizing the built-in
time code generator. Use an SMPTE (DSR-370/
570WS) or EBU (DSR-370P/570WSP) time code
5 S VIDEO OUT (S-video output) connector (DIN
This outputs the image being shot or played back as S-
video signals. Connect to the S-video input connector
on an external VCR or video monitor.
6 MONITOR OUT (output) connector
Use a jitterless LTC signal. Using an LTC signal
reproduced by other equipment may cause the
camcorder to malfunction.
Outputs the image being shot or played back as
composite video signals. Connect to the video input
connector on an external VCR or video monitor.
4 TC OUT (time code output) connector (BNC)
This outputs time code signals from the built-in time
code generator. When a time code signal is input to
the TC IN connector, this output signal is synchronized
to it.
The output signal from this connector may discontinue
when switching the operation between recording and
playback. Do not use as a reference signal for external
For details about time code, see “Setting the Time code
Value” on page 73.
7 AUDIO OUT CH-1/CH-2 (audio output channel
1 and 2) connectors (phono jacks)
These output the sound being recorded or played back.
Connect to a stereo amplifier or video monitor’s audio
input connectors.
Rear and Bottom
1 TALLY indicator
2 TALLY switch
3 Battery attachment
6 WRR connector
7 Cable clamp
4 DC IN connector
8 DV OUT connector
connectors and input
selection switches
9 DC OUT connector
0 VTR/CCU connector
qa BREAKER button
Chapter 1 Overview
See “Connecting to Audio System” (page 46) for more
information about how to connect a UHF synthesizer tuner.
See “Connecting a CA-370 Intercom Adaptor” (page 48)
for more information about how to connect an intercom
1 TALLY (back tally) indicator (red)
This indicator lights during recording. It will not light
if the TALLY switch 2 is set to OFF. This indicator
also blinks to indicate warnings in the same manner as
the REC/TALLY indicator in the viewfinder.
7 Cable clamp
2 TALLY switch
Set this switch to ON to activate the TALLY indicator
1 function.
Fasten an i.LINK cable (DV connecting cable) to the
clamp using the supplied binding tie so that the plug is
not pulled out from the DV OUT connector 8.
For details, see “Warning System” on page 142.
i.LINK cable (DV
connecting cable)
3 Battery attachment interface
Attach a battery pack or an AC-DN1/DN2A AC
Adaptor. When using the WRR-855A synthesized
tuner (for wireless microphones), attach the CA-
WR855 Camera Adaptor here.
For information about fitting a battery pack or an AC
adaptor, see “Power Supply” (page 53). For information
about attaching a synthesized tuner, see “Connecting to
Audio System” (page 46).
Binding tie
8 DV OUT connector (6-pin)
Connect to the DV input connector of an external VCR
via an i.LINK cable.
4 DC IN (DC power input) connector (XLR 4-pin,
To use the camcorder with an AC power supply
connect an optional AC-550/550CE or CMA-8A/
8ACE AC Adaptor.
• This connector will not work as an input connector.
• When external equipment, such as a VCR, is
connected to this connector, the ClipLink function
and the function for audio fade-in/fade-out during
recording do not work.
5 AUDIO IN CH-1/CH-2 (audio input channel 1
and 2) connectors (XLR 3-pin, female) and input
selection switches
Connect a microphone or other external audio
equipment. Set the input selection switches as
shown below according to the microphone or
9 DC OUT (DC power output) connector (4-pin,
This connector supplies power for a WRR-810A/860A
UHF Portable Tuner.
MIC+48V ON (right position): For connecting to a
48-V microphone
0 VTR/CCU connector (26-pin, male)
Connect an external VCR or CCU-M5A/M5AP or
other camera control unit.
If this position is selected for a microphone other than
48-V microphone, the microphone may be damaged.
MIC (center position): For connecting any
microphone other than 48-V microphone
LINE (left position): For connecting an external
audio signal source such as a stereo amplifier.
• This connector always outputs the signals from the
camera. It is impossible to output the playback
video of the internal VCR.
• The image size on the viewfinder or on the screen of
the RM-VJ1 does not switch automatically, even if
the aspect ratio (16:9/4:3) of the return signal, input
from an external VCR, is switched.
6 WRR (synthesizer tuner/intercom adaptor)
connector (7-pin)
Connect a CS-WR855 Camera Adaptor with attached
WRR-855 UHF Synthesizer Tuner, or a CA-370
Intercom Adaptor for the CCU-M5A/M5AP.
Chapter 1 Overview
Location and Function of Parts
• When this connector is used with a battery pack
attached, operation may be interrupted due to
exhaustion of the batteries. To prevent this, see
“Avoiding breaks in operation due to dead
batteries” (page 54).
qa BREAKER (breaker reset) button
If an excessive current flows in the internal circuits,
the internal circuit breaker shuts off the power supply.
Push this button after eliminating the cause of the
excessive current.
• When a CCU is connected to this connector and a
battery pack is attached, power is supplied
automatically from the battery pack. Always power
off the camcorder before attaching or detaching a
battery pack or switching the power.
VCL-716BX Zoom Lens (for DSR-370K2/370PK2)
When using a lens other than VCL-716BX or VCL-719BX,
see page 40 and page 134 (“Designating the lens”).
1 Iris ring
4 MACRO selector
2 Zoom ring
3 Focus ring
5 F.f adjustment ring
and F.f fixing knob
6 MACRO ring
Lens hood
7 ZOOM selector
8 Zoom remote control
qa Instant automatic iris
adjustment button
9 RET button
qs Iris selector
qd Motorized zoom lever
0 VTR button
Chapter 1 Overview
1 Iris ring
9 RET (return) button
For manual iris control, set the Iris selector qs to the
“M” position, and turn this ring.
This allows you to check the video signal.
When the internal VCR is in recording pause mode,
press this button to review the last few seconds of the
recording in the viewfinder (recording review). When
an external VCR is connected, pressing this button
connects the E-E video signal1) from the external VCR
to the viewfinder while the internal VCR is recording
or no tape is inserted in the internal VCR.
When a CCU (camera control unit) is connected, you
can view the return video from the CCU in the
2 Zoom ring
For direct manual zoom control, set the ZOOM
selector 7 to the “MANU.” position, and turn this
3 Focus ring
Turn this ring to focus the lens on the subject.
4 MACRO (close-up) selector
For close-up work, turn the MACRO ring 6 while
holding this button down. (See page 135.)
For details, see “Playback — Checking Recorded Contents”
(page 70).
0 VTR button
This button starts and stops recording on the VCR.
Press it once to start recording, and once more to stop.
5 F.f (flange focal length) adjustment ring and F.f
(flange focal length) fixing knob
F.f adjustment ring : To adjust the flange focal
length, loosen the F.f fixing knob, then turn the
ring. (See page 133.)
qa Instant automatic iris adjustment button
While using manual iris control, press this button to
switch temporarily to automatic iris control setting.
Automatic control is maintained as long as you hold
the button down.
F.f fixing knob: Fixes the F.f adjustment ring.
6 MACRO (close-up) ring
For close-up, turn this ring while holding the MACRO
selector down. (See page 135.)
qs Iris selector
This selects the mode of iris operation. (See page
A (automatic): automatic iris
M (manual): manual iris
7 ZOOM selector
This selects the mode of zoom operation.
SERVO: power zoom
MANU. (manual): manual zoom
qd Motorized zoom lever
8 Zoom remote control connector (8-pin)
Connect the optional Lens Remote Control Unit for
remote control of zooming.
Use this to carry out a power zoom. Pressing the lever
harder increases the zoom speed.
W end: zoom toward wide angle
T end: zoom toward telephoto
For details of the lens remote control unit, please contact
Fuji Photo Optical Co., Ltd.
1) E-E video signal: “electric-to-electric” video signal.
This is an input video signal which has passed through
internal electrical circuits, but which has not been
converted to a magnetic signal.
Chapter 1 Overview